Last modified: Thursday, October 1, 2009
Indiana University's Union Board to present evolution talk by Richard Dawkins
Lecture part of IU's first-ever themed semester, 'Themester 2009: Evolution, Diversity and Change'
Oct. 1, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Indiana Memorial Union Board and the Secular Alliance of Indiana University will present a lecture by evolutionary biologist, author and atheist Richard Dawkins, titled "The Greatest Show On Earth: The Evidence for Evolution," Monday, Oct. 12, at 7 p.m. at IU Auditorium (1211 E. 7th St.).
The event is free and open to the public. No ticket is required, and doors will open at 6 p.m.

Richard Dawkins
The lecture is part of the IU College of Arts and Sciences' Fall 2009 Themester, "Evolution, Diversity and Change," coinciding with Charles Darwin's 200th birthday and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his famous text On the Origin of Species.
As in his book of the same name, Dawkins will challenge creationism and "intelligent design," delivering a comprehensive set of evidence for the scientific theory. Dawkins' book and lecture come at a time when the validity of evolution has come under attack by creationists attempting to undermine the status of science in classrooms and the public sphere, despite the fact that evolution is accepted as a strong scientific theory. A period for questions will follow the talk and the event will conclude with a book signing.
The Secular Alliance of IU, or SAIU, is a group of IU students and staff who share a secular world view that spans atheism, agnosticism, free thought, humanism and other beliefs. Its members strive to understand the world through reason and the scientific process, to serve society both with service projects and education, and to provide a community for those seeking an alternative to religion. For more information about SAIU, visit or e-mail
The Indiana Memorial Union Board is IU's largest student programming organization and also serves as the governing body of the Indiana Memorial Union. Founded in 1909 by John Whittenberger, Union Board is currently celebrating its centennial year, a year marked by reverence for tradition and commitment for innovation. The board is composed of 16 student directors, four non-student directors and student committee members.
Union Board provides the IU Bloomington campus with an array of event and activities, including concerts, lectures, films, a campus arts magazine and more. Union Board offices are located in room 270 of the Student Activities Tower in the Indiana Memorial Union.
For more information about Union Board, call 812-855-4682, visit or e-mail Contact Caitlin Van Kooten, lectures director, at or 812-361-9835 for more information about the lecture.
The "Fall 2009 Themester: Evolution, Diversity and Change" will explore the scientific study of evolution and diversity, the political, social and legal controversies surrounding evolution, and the ways in which creative activity have drawn on the concept of evolution to explore diversity and change. For more information about Themester, call 812-856-7183, visit or e-mail