Daily IU News Round-up
November 13, 2009
Around Indiana: Indiana University Data Center Dedication
Inside Indiana Business, Nov. 6 -- IU dedicated its new $32.7 million Data Center that houses supercomputers and critical equipment for all IU campuses via a high-speed fiber optic network, I-Light. The Data Center, along with the IU Innovation Center and planned Cyberinfrastructure Building, form the foundation of a new IU Bloomington technology park. Video.
Vera Bradley Foundation pledges $10 million
Chicago Tribune, Wane.com, Nov. 12 -- The Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer is pledging a $10 million donation to support work by Indiana University researchers. The donation announced Thursday follows $10 million that the Fort Wayne-based foundation has given since 1998 to the university's cancer center in Indianapolis. Full story. Video. (2:18)
State reports H1N1 flu claims 3 more Indiana residents
The Indianapolis Star, The Bloomington Herald-Times, Nov. 12, 13 -- Three more Indiana residents died last week in the H1N1 flu pandemic, bringing the total who have died since June to 22. State health officials also reported today that they continue to see signs that the virus may be on the wane locally. Full story. Full story 2.
The Scuttlebutt on Office Gossip
Hronline.com, Nov. 13 -- Psst . . . Have you heard what that nice Tim Hallett found out when he and two colleagues undertook a study about workplace politics at an urban elementary school? Well, among other juicy tidbits, it appears that workplace gossip sometimes plays a positive role in the social food chain. Hallett and his colleagues, it turns out, are into gossip. Shocking? Not really, considering that he and colleague Donna Eder are sociologists with Indiana University in Bloomington, and Brent Harper is a sociologist with Reading, Pa.-based Albright College. Full story.
Study: Alcohol abuse declining at IU
The Bloomington Herald-Times, Nov. 12 -- After years of alcohol abuse rates higher than the national average, a new study shows abuse declining at Indiana University.
The Indiana Prevention Resource Center reports that heavy drinking, binge drinking and alcohol-related disciplinary problems have all decreased at IU when 2009 survey numbers are compared with 2006. Full story.
Retail Council President Anticipates Fewer Holiday Hirings
Inside Indiana Busienss, Nov. 12 -- The Center for Education and Research in Retailing at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business is also projecting a 1 percent decline in holiday retail sales, compared to last year. Full story.
Indiana astronaut to appear on Indy talk show
Chicago Tribune, Nov. 13 -- Wolf is a veteran of five spaceflights and several spacewalks. He graduated from Purdue University and Indiana University's medical school. He became an astronaut in 1990 and spent four months on Russia's old Mir space station in 1997. He lives in Indianapolis. Full story.
Economy next year will be better than 'really, really awful' 2009
Tampa Bay Online, Nov. 13 -- In 2010, the nation's economy will be better than it was this year. That, however, isn't a cause for raucous celebrations, according to an Indiana University forecast. Since 2009 has been a "really, really awful" economic year, 2010 can be better without being all that good, according to Bill Witte, an IU emeritus associate professor of economics. "Better is not necessarily good," said Witte, a member of the IU Kelley School of Business' annual Business Outlook Panel. "2010 is going to be acceptable, except for the fact that we're starting from extremely low levels. Things will be getting better, but they still won't be really good." Full story.
IU Cinema director candidates to speak
Indiana Daily Student, Nov. 13 -- After reviewing resumes from around the world, IU officials have narrowed the search for IU Cinema's new director to four candidates. But before a final decision is made, the finalists must win public approval with presentations during the next two weeks. Full story.
Police Looking for Caller Who Made Bomb Threat to IU
Wcsi.whiteriverness.com, Nov. 12 -- IU Police say the investigation into a recent bomb threat has yielded photos of the alleged caller. The bomb threat was made for the IU Business Building just after 9 a.m. on November 9th. IU Police say the male that made the call indicated that he was upset with Indiana University and that there was a bomb in the Business Building. He added that everyone should leave the structure. Full story.
Ind. agency, Bloomington squaring off over I-69
Chicago Tribune, The Bloomington Herald-Times, Nov. 12,13 -- Tens of millions of dollars for projects around Bloomington could be withheld by the state highway agency as it pushes for local officials to adopt plans for the Interstate 69 extension through southwestern Indiana. Bloomington and Monroe County officials have declined to include aspects of the I-69 project in their local transportation improvement plan. Among planned projects that could lose funding are the widening of the Indiana 45-46 bypass around Indiana University's campus, future phases a recreational trail and construction of a downtown bus station. Full story. Full story 2.
A messy test of free speech
The Indianapolis Star (editorial), Nov. 13 -- One of the beauties of the First Amendment is that it protects the right of any citizen to freely express an opinion, even an unpopular opinion. It also protects the right of critics to offer counter arguments. And so, in an often messy but crucial process, public debate about wide-ranging issues -- including politics, religion and sex -- advances. That's precisely what has been happening at Purdue University, where Professor Bert Chapman has ignited passions through his personal blog, posted on a conservative Web page called townhall.com. Full story.
Another economic view
The Bloomington Herald-Times (letter to the editor), Nov. 13 -- This letter writer expresses her opinion about the recent comment from economics professor Witte. Letter.
From the Chronicle
For-Profit Colleges, Growing Fast, Say They Are Key to Obama's Degree Goals
With about two million students in the United States now attending for-profit colleges, a number that is expected to double by 2015, leaders of those institutions say their sector must play a key role if President Obama is to meet his goal of having the world's highest number of college graduates by 2020. The institutions are still viewed with skepticism by some consumers and policy makers, but for-profit colleges have grown steadily. Full story.
Foreign Demand Drops for American M.B.A. Degrees, Study Finds
The United States' dominance in graduate business education seems to be slipping as growing numbers of young foreign applicants are opting to study elsewhere, according to an analysis released this week by the Graduate Management Admission Council. Between 2005 and 2009, the demand for business education grew 75 percent in Asia, compared with 25 percent in Europe, 30 percent in North America, and 43 percent in the Middle East and Africa. Full story.
Daily IU News Round-up is distributed to faculty and staff at IU, and it contains a short review of media coverage relating to IU administrative and student news, federal and state legislative policy, and trends and issues in higher education. Prepared by the IU Office of University Communications, the Daily IU News Round-up is not an all-inclusive gathering of news featuring IU faculty and staff. To subscribe to the Daily IU News Round-up list or to have your name removed, please contact Susan Williams, Office of University Communications, sulwilli@indiana.edu.