IU Health and Wellness for September discusses research that looks at how living conditions impact reproductive health and how attitudes about female genitals can impact sexuality and sexual health. It also provides workout tips for runners driven indoors by allergies or weather.
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Indiana University Bloomington professors have prepared comments about Hispanic issues to coincide with Hispanic Heritage Month, which began Tuesday, Sept. 15, the anniversary of independence for five Latin American countries -- Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua -- and continues until Oct. 15. IU professors Peter Guardino, Darlene Sadlier and Carol O. Rogers share their thoughts on topical issues relevant to these issues.
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This edition of Lecture Notes features information about lectures and speakers on the Indiana University Bloomington campus from September 18-30, including Fritiz Haeg, creator of Edible Estates, and Patricia Clare Ingham, who will discuss technological gadgetry.
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Lloyd Kolbe and Susan Middlestadt, obesity and public health experts in Indiana University Bloomington's School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, comment on a national report, which they say outlines a new era of combating obesity, particularly among American children.
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This issue of Book Marks features books about the relationship between letter writing and white privilege in the America of the 1700s, the role of women in the Catholic Church in Congo-Brazzaville, a professor's guide to sexual pleasure for women, and and lives of gay youth living in rural areas and their use of the Internet to fit in.
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In IU Health and Wellness for August, IU experts discuss serious weight concerns involving fall high school sports and new research into how attitudes about smoking are transferred from parents to children and can predict smoking onset.
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Dozens of Indiana University researchers are participating in the American College of Sports Medicine national conference in Seattle this week. This media tip sheet discusses some of the studies presented, including research involving detecting and preventing the symptoms of exercise-induced asthma, a new bias in elite swimming, and how to maximize the benefits of high altitude training.
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Sharon Keller, presiding judge of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, will face a special trial for judicial misconduct in the capital punishment case of Michael Wayne Richard. Charles Geyh, the John F. Kimberling Professor of Law at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law, comments on the case.
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Dozens of Indiana University researchers participated in the American Sociological Association's annual meeting in San Francisco. In this media tip sheet, researchers discuss studies involving "coming out" in rural areas, public opinion about name change after marriage, the polarization of American politics, pet ownership, stigma and the medicalization of mental illness and bullies.
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An IU expert who has traveled extensively in Iran is available to discuss next week's inauguration of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for a second term in office and the country's worst political turmoil since 1979.
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