Public health and recreational therapy experts discuss the effective use of fly-fishing to help veterans and tips for steering youth away from cigarette smoking this summer.
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Tuesday's Republican primary in Indiana will be a significant test of the Tea Party's electoral strength, says Fabio Rojas, associate professor of sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences at IU Bloomington. "The Tea Party needs to win in a competitive state like Indiana," says Rojas, whose research interests include protests and political organizations.
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Lecture Notes
for April 20 to May 4, 2012
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IU Health & Wellness includes tips for helping children cope with a disaster, such as a tornado, considering a possible link between obesity and autism, and for communicating with friends and loved ones during a health crisis.
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More than 100 researchers from Indiana University are discussing research and participating in the American Educational Research Association's annual meeting April 13 to 17 in Vancouver. This news release discusses studies involving racial disparities in school suspensions and expulsions, policy language concerning girls' education, a comparison of teaching practices at historically black colleges and universities and institutions that are primiarily white, and the need for helping students assess conspiracy theory material.
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Lecture Notes
for April 6 to 20, 2012: Nirupama Rao, India's ambassador to the United States, will speak about "Indo-U.S. relations: Where we stand, where are we headed?" at 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 10 at Whittenberger Auditorium, Indiana Memorial Union. Also, Keith Brown, sociocultural anthropologist specializing in the study of 20th-century Macedonia, will discuss "Reason, Riot and Ridicule: The Democratic Spirit In and After Yugoslavia" on Tuesday, April 10, and a panel discussion April 13 will look t the Kinsey Institute gallery exhibition, "Man as Object: Reversing the Gaze."
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Lecture Notes
for March 30 to April 6, 2012: Peter Galison, Joseph Pellegrino University Professor, Department of Physics and Philosophy of Science at Harvard University, will focus on the history of the modern national security secrecy system on April 3 and will discuss how we can track the history of the self from the 1920s through the early 2000s by following material technologies on April 5. Also, Peter Thomson, a major player in both the energy industry and in energy governance and regulation, will speak to the relevance of the energy debate among the eastern neighbors of the European Union; a symposium will commemorate 20 years of the Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies; Matthew Jones of Columbia University will discuss the decisive contributions by Blaise Pascal.
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IU Health and Wellness for March includes research findings detailing exercise-induced orgasm in women. Also, parents of teen travelers can learn some tips to make the trips safer for the teens and possibly less stressful for the parents.
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Lecture Notes for Feb. 24 to March 9, 2012: Charles Hill, Brady-Johnson Distinguished Fellow in Grand Strategy at Yale University, will present two lectures, "Literature, Statecraft and World Order: a problem for higher education?" and "Grand Strategy: an American problem?" Also, finalists in the Sherman Minton Moot Court competition will appear before a panel of distinguished jurists; and the IU Maurer School of Law will discuss affirmative action.
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Indiana University experts in politics and political organizations discuss the influence of Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party in the Republican primaries and the effect numerous national debates can have on voter turnout.
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