News Tips Archive

January's tips discuss physical activity and mental retardation, keys to a successful fitness plan, exercise excuses, and sources for reliable information about sexuality.
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Results of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), an international assessment that compares math and science performance of students in fourth and eighth grades, were released today (Dec. 14). Indiana University Bloomington math and science education professors Peter Kloosterman, Frank Lester and Valarie Akerson can offer insights into TIMSS and PISA findings and their implications for school curricula and policy. The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) results were released last week.
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Learning Matters for December includes items about students' mathematics performance in Indiana and nationwide, service learning courses for college students over spring break, and a partnership aimed at helping elementary students who struggle with math and reading -- before they fall behind.
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Living Well for December includes a tip about research into the impact of dietary salt and fish oil on exercise-induced asthma and holiday fare concerning responsible drinking and party hosting, pie and healthier baked goods and safety gift ideas.
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Rock 'n' roll historian Glenn Gass rings in the season with his thoughts on holiday music.
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Holiday story ideas for science journalists include greenhouse gas-thwarting "carbon sequestration" and immunity-boosting weight gain.
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This tipsheet provides Indiana University Bloomington faculty members who can offer their analysis of the disputed presidential election in Ukraine between Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych and reform candidate Viktor Yushchenko.
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