IU News Round-up
November 5, 2010
IU panel predicts sluggish growth in 2011
The Bloomington Herald-Times, thestarpress.com, Nov. 5 -- Associate professor emeritus of economics Bill Witte said he was "optimistically pessimistic" about the national economy, a little gloomier than the mixed messages of previous years' forecasts, which were "cautiously optimistic" (2008 forecast), "guardedly optimistic" (2007), "apprehensively optimistic" (2006) and "moderately optimistic" (2005). Witte said the post-recession economy will grow at a rate of about 3 percent in 2011 and that recovery would likely remain sluggish. Full story. Full story 2.
Life Sciences Company Secures Federal Grant
InsideINdianaBusiness.com Report, Nov. 4 -- An Indianapolis company working on cancer and eye disease treatments based on Indiana University School of Medicine technology has received a federal grant of more than $150,000. ApeX Therapeutics says the funding is part of a program that advances the goal of curing cancer. Full story.
Longtime IUSB chancellor's legacy celebrated
Southbendtribune.com, Nov. 4 -- When Lester M. Wolfson arrived 46 years ago to lead what would become Indiana University South Bend, the campus had no degree programs, one building and just 21 faculty members — including --himself. Wolfson, who led the fledgling regional university for 23 years until his retirement in 1987, now visits South Bend once a year and enjoys seeing continued campus growth. "It's immensely satisfying. It represents the culmination of everything we worked toward for years," said Wolfson, IUSB's chancellor emeritus, in an interview Wednesday. Full story.
INDOT and IU Northwest Work to Improve Pedestrian Safety
Valpolife.com, Nov. 5 -- IU Northwest and the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) have partnered to further enhance the safety of students, staff and faculty crossing State Road 53 (Broadway) traveling to and from campus between 33rd and 35th Avenues. Full story.
Let's get started on local reform
The Indianapolis Star, Nov. 5 -- Two days after his party gained dominating control of the Indiana General Assembly, Gov. Mitch Daniels began to define a broad and ambitious agenda for the next legislative session. With few obstacles left in his path -- Democrats have been reduced to holding only 36 percent of the 150 seats in the House and Senate -- Daniels is almost certain to push most of his proposals through the legislature in the months ahead. Full story.
The End of Christianity in the Middle East?
By Jamsheed K. Choksy
Foreignpolicy.com, Nov. 2 -- The Senate resolution noted that "threats against the smallest religious minorities … jeopardize … a diverse, pluralistic, and free society," words applicable in full measure to Iran as well. Will Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government heed this call? It's doubtful. But one thing's for certain: If the world doesn't champion religious freedom openly and vigorously, he won't have to. Full story.
Neighbors unhappy with proposed parking lot at IU South Bend
WSBT.com, Nov. 3 -- Parking at Indiana University South Bend has been a major issue. Now, the university wants to build a new parking lot, but many neighbors aren't happy. On Wednesday night, the unhappy neighbors met at the River Park Library to figure out what they can do. "We're at record enrollment this year, that means more students, which means more vehicles," University spokesman Ken Baierl said about the need for a new parking lot.But people who live near where the parking lot is planned say the university hasn't been clear on what's going on. Full story.
IU voices in the news
Hebrew U.: Harassment by El Al security could harm Israeli science
Haaretz.com, The Bloomington Herald-Times, Nov.5 -- Neuroscientist Heather Bradshaw says she was interrogated, searched with no explanation by El Al security en route to Hebrew University conference. The Hebrew University in Jerusalem filed a complaint with the Israeli airline El Al on Thursday over the "humiliating" treatment of visiting American scientist Professor Heather Bradshaw. Full story. Full story 2.
From the Chronicle
Forum: Has the Quality of Online Learning Kept Up With Its Growth?
As online learning rapidly expands, we asked a half-dozen thinkers to address the question of quality. We also asked them to assess the quality of online-learning programs in general, and to discuss any issues that especially concerned or encouraged them. Here's what they had to say. Full story.
Election Evokes Reminders of 1994
After Republicans took control of Congress in 1994, the arts and humanities endowments took big hits. But science budgets continued to grow, and spending on the National Institutes of Health doubled over five years. The Education Department, which some Republicans wanted to dismantle, saw its budget double over the 12 years the GOP controlled the House of Representatives. In the end, "the budgetary and policy changes were nowhere near as severe as we feared at the time," said Terry W. Hartle, senior vice president for government and public affairs at the American Council on Education. Full story.
71 Presidents Pledge to Improve Their Colleges' Teaching and Learning
71 college leaders have made some vows of their own. In a venture known as the Presidents' Alliance for Excellence in Student Learning and Accountability, they have promised to take specific steps to gather more evidence about student learning, to use that evidence to improve instruction, and to give the public more information about the quality of learning on their campuses. Full story.
Cautious Investments By Big Colleges Bring Smaller Gains
The Boston Globe, Nov 4 -- Many prominent university endowments took a conservative turn last year, after sharp losses in the financial crisis, and underperformed the stock market as well as much smaller endowments, according to a study to be released today. The average gain for school endowments was 12.6 percent in fiscal 2010, according to preliminary results of an annual study by the National Association of College and University Business Officers and the Commonfund Institute, the research arm of a Wilton, Conn., investment adviser. Full story.
IU News Round-up is distributed to faculty and staff at IU, and it contains a short review of media coverage relating to IU administrative and student news, federal and state legislative policy, and trends and issues in higher education. Prepared by the IU Office of, University Communications, the Daily IU News Round-up is not an all-inclusive gathering of news featuring IU faculty and staff. To subscribe to the Daily IU News Round-up list or to have your name removed, please contact Susan Williams, Office of University Communications, sulwilli@indiana.edu.