Last modified: Thursday, April 14, 2011
IU Maurer School of Law selects Stewart Fellows and Holdeen Scholars for India internships
April 14, 2011
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Nine students at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law have been selected to participate as summer interns in India through the law school's Center on the Global Legal Profession. Inaugurated in 2010, the unique program offers students experiences in a variety of settings, including highly reputed law firms and rights-based, non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

The 2011 IU Maurer School of Law Stewart Fellows include, left to right, Ashley Rozier, Nick Haering, Louise Barrett, Danny Thiemann, Jerry Carter, Ross Friedman, Melane Jestaedt, Tara Paul and Krista Lewis. Barrett, Haering, Jestaedt, and Rozier have also been named Holdeen Scholars.
The nine students have been named Stewart Fellows in honor of alumnus Milton Stewart, of Portland, Ore., who received a J.D. in 1971. Stewart endowed the program in 2010. The four NGO internships have also been made possible through a strong partnership with the Unitarian Universalist Holdeen India Program and its director, Kathy Sreedhar. The NGO interns will also be further designated as Holdeen Scholars.
"The India Program is in keeping with the center's mission of developing our students' ability to practice in the globalized legal environment as business lawyers, public servants and social change agents," said Professor Jayanth K. Krishnan, the Charles L. Whistler Faculty Fellow and head of the India Initiative at the Center on the Global Legal Profession. "Thanks to the generosity of alumni and other supporters of the program, we are able to send nine students to India this summer, up from six in 2010."

Jayanth Krishnan
"The students' exposure to the systems, practices and culture of the world's largest democracy will expand the set of opportunities for their employment when they are ready to enter the job market," said Professor William Henderson, a Harry T. Ice Faculty Fellow and director of the Center on the Global Legal Profession.
This year's Stewart Fellows are:
- Louise Barrett, who will serve as an intern at the Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA), an organization for women who earn their living through their own labor or small business
- Jerry Carter, who will work at Koura & Col, a boutique Indian law firm and for Novus Law, a legal process outsourcer
- Ross Friedman, who will spend his internship at S&R Associates, a Delhi law firm
- Nick Haering, who will work for Jagori, a women's resource center
- Melanie Jesteadt, who will serve as an intern at SEWA
- Krista Lewis, who will work as an intern at the Delhi firm of Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresg A. Shroff & Co.
- Tara Paul, who will be interning at Koura & Co. and for Novus Law
- Ashley Rozier, who will spend her internship at Jagori
- Danny Thiemann, who will work for Trilegal, a full-service law firm based in Delhi.
As NGO interns, Barrett, Haering, Jestaedt, and Rozier have also been named Holdeen Scholars. All of the fellows will be second-year students at the IU Maurer School of Law next fall, except Carter, who will be a third-year student.
Additional information about the Center on the Global Legal Profession may be found on its website, and contributions to fund future Stewart Fellows can be made through:
Arthur M. Lotz Office of Alumni and Development
Indiana University Maurer School of Law
211 S. Indiana Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47405
Contributions may be made online at the IU Foundation website for IU Maurer Law donations.