Last modified: Monday, August 1, 2011
New Indiana University Press journal focuses on black male studies
Publication will be Spectrum: The Journal on Black Men
Aug. 1, 2011
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The subject of black masculinity and the notion of what it means to be male in a gendered, heteronormative, capitalist society have become central to the study of intersectional relations in various academic disciplines.

Though a small number of books have anthologized the various possibilities of discourses concerned with the black male perspective, no journal until now has produced focused academic writing from a broad contributor pool on this topic.
Spectrum, the latest addition to the Indiana University Press Journals catalog, is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary research journal whose articles focus on issues related to aspects of black men's experiences, including topics such as gender, masculinity and race/ethnicity.
Spectrum will examine the social, political, economic and historical factors that influence the life chances and experiences of African-descended males using disciplinary and interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives, empirical methods, theoretical analysis and literary criticism.
"Indiana University Press is honored to partner with the Department of African American and African Studies at the Ohio State University to publish this important and timely new journal. Spectrum is an exciting addition to IU Press' strong list of journals and books that focus on the black diaspora," said Janet Rabinowitch, director of IU Press.
Housed in the Department of African American and African Studies at the Ohio State University, the editorial board includes faculty from colleges across the country, with interests ranging from English and sociology to education policy and leadership.
Published semiannually beginning next March, Spectrum will be a space where advocacy and imagination meet in order to reveal a global, complex black manhood from the dawning of modernity through the present time. The online version will also feature multimedia resources.