IU News Round-up
September 2, 2011
The IU News Round-up will not publish Monday, September 5. Regular publication will resume Tuesday.
Ken Bode: 9/11 commissioners look back
The Indianapolis Star, Sept. 1 -- Many of these ceremonies will be moving memorials, with prayers, music and patriotic speeches echoing the official talking points. However, at Indiana University there is an event planned that will take a serious look back at why America was vulnerable a decade ago, what has been done to remedy our porous homeland defenses and how effective are the reforms. Eight of the 10 commissioners will gather (on Sept. 15) from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the IU Auditorium in Bloomington to assess how the country is doing to make the U.S. more secure. Full story.
Study Finds Increase in Teen Marijuana Use
WCSI.whiterivernews.com, Indianapolis Star (Associated Press), Eagle Country 99.3, Times-Mail opinion (subscription required), WCSI, Indiana Daily Student, Indianapolis Recorder, Sept. 1 -- A study conducted by the Indiana Prevention Resource Center at Indiana University signals an upward trend in marijuana and smokeless tobacco use among Indiana youth. The 2011 survey questioned about 168,000 sixth- through 12th-grade public and private school students. Researchers found 19.8 percent of Indiana high school seniors use marijuana -- an increase of 0.6 percent from last year. Full story. Full story 2. Full story 3. Full story 4.
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Indiana Bars Illegal Aliens From State College Tuition
Newsmax.com, Sept. 2 -- Indiana is among a handful of states -- including Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, and South Carolina -- to pass such a measure. "Considering that a lot of these kids are first-generation college kids, even paying in-state tuition is a problem for some," Indiana University-Bloomington spokesman Mark Land told the newspaper. "These kids are being put in a challenging spot." Full story.
Law prof. finds issues in Sugarland contract
Wishtv8.com, Sept. 1 -- Indiana University-Indianapolis law professor, Antony Page, says there are ambiguities and inconsistencies in the contract between Sugarland and the Indiana State Fair Commission. One inconsistency has to do with the inclement weather clause. The section is set up to define who has the final say when it comes to cancelling due to bad weather. Full story.
The Rise of Indiana Football; Coach Wilson has arrived -- will victories follow?
Grantland (ESPN), Sept. 1 -- Kevin Wilson doesn't speak in sentences so much as he unleashes word salvos. One fragment flows into the next and into the next and into the next until he punctuates these little clouds with a question that isn't really a question at all. It takes some time to adjust to his manner of speaking. In the fog of a Monday morning, I go a good five minutes before I can comprehend anything he's saying. This is partly due to the terminology (vipers and flood and gold), but it is also because Wilson, the latest in a long line of rhetoricians hired to make something out of Indiana University football, talks at such a pace that it is impossible to keep notes in real time. Full story.
Wilson disappointed with ticket sales for Saturday's IU-Ball State game in Indy
The Bloomington Herald-Times, Sept. 2 -- Kevin Wilson was apparently hoping his first game as Indiana football coach would feel more like a home game than it most likely will. Technically, the Hoosiers' game Saturday at 7 p.m. at Lucas Oil Stadium is a home game for opponent Ball State. It was supposed to be in Muncie, but BSU officials decided that 22,500-seat Scheumann Stadium wasn't quite big enough to hold it. Full story.
Governor appoints Chancellor Harris to Indiana Automotive Council
Kikomoperspective.com, Sept. 2 -- Governor Mitch Daniels appointed Indiana University Kokomo Chancellor Michael Harris to serve on the Indiana Automotive Council (IAC) - a newly formed group of automotive experts to enhance, grow, and promote the automotive industry in Indiana. Full story.
Indiana Ticket Provider Inks Deal With IU
InsideINdianaBusiness.com Report, Sept. 2 -- Fanfare Tickets says it has signed a multi-year agreement to be the secondary ticket provider for Indiana University Athletics. The company says fans will be able to purchase football and basketball tickets at its offices in Carmel and Indianapolis or online starting this season. Full story.
Lighten up your Labor Day with these painless swaps
Today.msnbc.msn.com, Sept. 2 -- When researchers from Indiana University and Ohio State looked at weight gain in children, they discovered that kids put on pounds three times faster during the summer than they do during the school year. And there's a good chance you're doing the same as an adult. In July, a report from Trust for America's Health revealed that obesity rates are steady or increasing in every single U.S. state, and in 38 states, more than 1 in 4 people are now obese -- not overweight, obese. Full story.
Why promiscuous female birds mate outside their social pair
Truthdive.com, Theconversation.edu, Futurity.org, Sept. 1, Aug. 31 -- A team led by an Indiana University biologist has learned about promiscuous female birds and why they mate outside their social pair. IU postdoctoral research associate Nicole Gerlach and colleagues have uncovered one of the benefits of this promiscuity: more grandkids! Full story. Full story 2. Full story 3.
IU voices in the news
Civic spirit has waned since 9/11
Northjersey.com, Sept. 2 -- Rates of volunteerism in America reached historic highs in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, a time when nearly one in three people around the nation were stepping up to serve their fellow countrymen. "Are we the kind of country that really requires an attack like that to bring out the character of our communities? That's a persistent question in the history of democracies," said Leslie Lenkowsky, professor of public affairs and philanthropic studies at Indiana University. "The answer could be yes." The experts also noted that the political mood of the nation has contributed to a declining sense of unity and self-sacrifice. Full story.
Lauren Spierer news
Lauren Spierer disappearance: Parents don't believe her college friends
Lohud.com, Sept. 1 -- For the first time the parents of Lauren Spierer raised doubts about specific statements made by friends, including Corey Rossman's claim that he suffered memory loss and Jay Rosenbaum's claim that Spierer, a 20-year-old graduate of Edgemont High School, used his cellphone to call a friend before she left his apartment. "It's easy for anybody to say anything because Lauren is not here to tell her side of the story," Charlene Spierer told The Journal News. Full story.
From the Chronicle
For Illegal-Immigrant Students, New Policy on Deportations Offers Limited Relief
When President Obama announced last month that his administration would take steps to suspend the deportation of immigrants who pose little risk to society, college students who lack the documents to prove they are here legally celebrated. Full story.
Campaign Pitch at For-Profit College Leads to State Investigation in Kentucky
Jack Conway, the Kentucky attorney general who is leading a 20-state investigation into for-profit colleges has become a prime political target for that industry. Now state officials are investigating whether the anti-Conway tactics of some of the colleges violate state election laws. Full story.
President of U. of Central Arkansas Apologizes Over Handling of $700,000 'Gift'
Trustees of the University of Central Arkansas heard apologies on Thursday from their board chairman and the university's president for failing to fully inform the board last week of strings attached to a $700,000 "gift" offered by Aramark, the university's food-services vendor, according to news reports. Full story.
IU News Round-up is distributed to faculty and staff at IU, and it contains a short review of media coverage relating to IU administrative and student news, federal and state legislative policy, and trends and issues in higher education. Prepared by the IU Office of, University Communications, the Daily IU News Round-up is not an all-inclusive gathering of news featuring IU faculty and staff. To subscribe to the Daily IU News Round-up list or to have your name removed, please contact Ryan Piurek, Office of University Communications, rpiurek@iu.edu.