Lecture Notes
Lecture Notes: Oct. 7-21, 2011

Susan Lepselter
The Disorder of Things: Object Lessons of Mediated Hoarding Narratives
WHEN: Oct. 7, 4-5 p.m.
WHERE: Classroom Office Building, room 100, 800 E. Third St., between ROTC and Optometry Clinic, Bloomington
WHAT: Assistant Professor Susan Lepselter's research explores the poetics of both popular media and everyday life in contemporary American culture, focusing particularly on captivity narratives, themes of gender and class, and discourses of memory and trauma in American social life.
COST: Free and open to the public
simonsj@indiana.edu or https://www.indiana.edu/~cmcl/

Gene Cooperman
Temporal Debugging via Flexible Checkpointing: Changing the Cost Model
WHEN: Oct. 7, 3-4 p.m.
WHERE: Lindley Hall, room 102, 150 S. Woodlawn Ave., Bloomington
WHAT: Gene Cooperman leads a high performance computing laboratory at Northeastern University. His lecture will describe a debugging approach based on a reversible debugger, sometimes known as a time-traveling debugger.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-855-9985 or achauhan@cs.indiana.edu
Commemorating Party Founding: The First Party Congress Site in the Mao Years
WHEN: Oct. 7, 12-1:15 p.m.
WHERE: Ballantine Hall Room 004, 1020 Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington
WHAT: Denise Ho is assistant professor of history at the University of Kentucky.In light of China's recent celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party, her talk examines the history of its commemoration in the Maoist era.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-855-3765 or easc@indiana.edu
Logic Seminar On the decidability of implicational ticket entailment
WHEN: Oct. 10, 5:30-7 p.m.
WHERE: Lindley Hall 101, Bloomington
WHAT: Katalin Bimbo, University of Alberta, will present some sequent calculi for T-> and closely related relevance logics.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-855-8281 or lmoss@indiana.edu
The Genetic Basis of Adaptation in the Color Vision Systems of Mimetic Butterflies
WHEN: Oct. 10, 4 p.m.
WHERE: 915 E. Third St., Myers Hall 130, Bloomington
WHAT: Adriana Briscoe is an associate professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at the University of California, Irvine. She is an internationally recognized expert in the biology and evolution of color vision in butterflies. The Briscoe lab examines how natural selection shapes color vision receptor proteins, and the cascade of consequences for color vision, wing color, and butterfly interactions with predators, mates, and host plants.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-855-6195 or kwyss@indiana.edu
PDE/Applied Math Seminar Normally Elliptic Singular Perturbations and Persistence of Homoclinic Orbits
WHEN: Oct. 10, 4-5 p.m.
WHERE: Swain East, room 140, Bloomington
WHAT: Nan Lu from Georgia Tech, discusses elliptic singular perturbations and persistence of homoclinic orbits.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-855-6726 or sternber@indiana.edu
Many Wars: The Difficulty of Home
WHEN: Oct. 10, 7 p.m.
WHERE: Fine Arts Auditorium, FA 015, Bloomington
WHAT: Suzanne Opton, internationally acclaimed photographer and instructor at the International Center of Photography, will discuss her portraiture work involving veterans of recent wars. The lecture is centered on the difficulties soldiers face on returning home.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 419-973-4229 or jpaasche@indiana.edu
Charles F. Bonser Distinguished Lecture Series
WHEN: Oct. 11, 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: Business 301, 1309 E. 10th St., Bloomington
WHAT: Kevan P. Lawlor, president and CEO, NSF International, discusses the design, function, purpose, operation and issues of a large, corporate-model, nonprofit company.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-855-4197 or moorhead@indiana.edu
Charles F. Bonser Distinguished Lecture Series
WHEN: Oct. 11, 2:30 p.m.
WHERE: Business 301, 1309 E. 10th St., Bloomington
WHAT: Kevan P. Lawlor, president and CEO, NSF International, will discuss the role, composition and operation of the third-party standardization and certification industry in the global protection of public health and the environment.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-855-4197 or moorhead@indiana.edu
From Blood Feuds to Peace: Traditional Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia
WHEN: Oct. 11, 3-4 p.m.
WHERE: Performance & Lecture Hall, 800 N. Indiana Ave., Bloomington
WHAT: Fekade Azeze, Associate Professor of Ethiopian Literature and Folklore and Coordinator of the Graduate Program, Haile Selassie I University, in Addis Adeba, Ethiopia, will introduce the dominant common features observed in a forthcoming book on the Traditional/Customary Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia, especially focusing on the process of resolving disputes related with blood feuds and the concluding rituals.
COST: Free and open to the public
Activism in technological culture: Shaking fists and raising kids in the context of social networks
WHEN: Oct. 12, 2 p.m.
WHERE: 2325 Chester Blvd., Whitewater Hall Community Room, Richmond, Ind.
WHAT: Natalia Rybas, assistant professor of communication studies, will give her Summer Faculty Fellowship and Research Presentation.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 765-973-8202 or newsinfor@iue.edu
Endocannabinoid-Dependent Striatal Synaptic Plasticity: Roles in Learning and Memory
WHEN: Oct. 12, 4 p.m.
WHERE: Psychology Building, 1101 E. 10th St. Bloomington
WHAT: David Lovinger, Ph.D., will discuss the important roles in control and learning of actions and action sequences.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-856-1930 or mtheodor@indiana.edu
Revisiting the fall of the Soviet Union
WHEN: Oct. 13, 4:30-8 p.m.
WHERE: Indiana Memorial Union, University Faculty Club, room 250, Bloomington
WHAT: Stephen Cohen, Professor of Russian and Slavic Studies and History at New York University will discuss how one of the most powerful countries in the world simply fell apart.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-855-7309 or martrott@indiana.edu
IPFW's Visiting Writers Series Hosts Former IU Poetry Professor
WHEN: Oct. 13, noon
WHERE: Walb Union, Room G21-21A, Fort Wayne, Ind.
WHAT: Roger Mitchell, author of 11 books of poetry, including The One Good Bite in the Saw-Grass Plant and the Readers' Choice Award for Best Book of 2008, Lemon Peeled the Moment Before, will read his work.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 260-481-6756 or https://new.ipfw.edu/departments/coas/depts/english/news/
This Will Hurt Me More Than It Hurts You: Corporal Punishment and Jim Crow in America
WHEN: Oct. 13, 7 p.m.
WHERE: Neff Hall, Room 101, Fort Wayne, Ind.
WHAT: Richard B. Pierce II, a graduate of Concordia Lutheran High School in Fort Wayne, is the guest speaker.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 260-481-5724 or dixieq@ipfw.edu
Revisiting the Fall of the Soviet Union: Panels
WHEN: Oct. 14, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Great Hall, Neal-Marshall Center, Bloomington
WHAT: Experts from around the world will be revisiting the fall of the Soviet Union. For more information on the individual panelists, please see: https://www.iub.edu/~reeiweb/events/fall_of_SU_conference_schedule.shtml
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-855-7309 or martrott@indiana.edu
The Graphics of Revolution and War: Iranian Poster Arts
WHEN: Oct. 14, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
WHERE: IU Art Museum Special Exhibitions Gallery, first floor, Bloomington
WHAT: This exhibition and lecture at the IU Art Museum showcases Iranian posters of the Islamic Revolution (1979) and the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88).
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-855-8267 or justubbs@indiana.edu
Attack Trends 2011 -or- Why Software Security
WHEN: Oct. 14, 21, 3-4 p.m.
WHERE: Lindley Hall, Rm. 102, Bloomington
WHAT: Gary McGraw, CTO of Cigital, Inc., a software security consulting firm with headquarters in the Washington, D.C. area and offices throughout the world will discuss software security.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-855-4341 or https://www.soic.indiana.edu/
Webinar: Maximizing Your Business Development Trip To Europe
WHEN: Oct. 18, 12-1 p.m.
WHERE: Webinar, pre-register here. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TPXRWQC
WHAT: Join Courtney Zaugg, who has led numerous Indiana trade delegations, to learn how to maximize your development trip to any of the 27 countries of the European Union.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-856-3832 or eucenter@indiana.edu
IU Northwest invites community to meet Tuskegee Airmen
WHEN: Oct. 18, 5-7 p.m.
WHERE: Bruce W. Bergland Auditorium, located in the Savannah Center, Gary, Ind.
WHAT: Indiana University Northwest invites the community to learn more about these real-life aviators, hear their stories and meet a few of them in person at an informative and entertaining literacy experience inspired by Katzenbach's novel.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 219-980-6763, erikrose@iun.edu
Justin Kumar
WHEN: Oct. 19, 9:55 a.m.
WHERE: Indiana Memorial Union, 900 E. Seventh St., Bloomington
WHAT: In this presentation Justin Kumar, Ph.D., will describe recent efforts to understand the mechanisms by which the retina arises from the cauldron of selector genes.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-856-1930 or mtheodor@indiana.edu
or register at https://www.indiana.edu/~gillctr/registrationform.shtml
The Genetics of Smell Perception: Humans, Flies, & Mosquitoes
WHEN: Oct. 19, 11:15 a.m.
WHERE: Indiana Memorial Union, Whittenberger Auditorium, 900 E. Seventh St. Bloomington
WHAT: Leslie Vosshall will discuss recent advances in the molecular biology of smell in humans and insects.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-856-1930 or mtheodor@indiana.edu or register https://www.indiana.edu/~gillctr/registrationform.shtml

Gerry Oxford
Agonizing Decisions: Functional Selectivity of G-Protein Coupled Receptors
WHEN: Oct. 19, 1:50 p.m.
WHERE: Indiana Memorial Union, Whittenberger Auditorium, 900 E. Seventh St., Bloomington
WHAT: In this presentation, Gerry Oxford will explore the parameter space and possible mechanisms underlying this phenomenon and the implications for drug discovery and drug interactions.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-856-1930 or mtheodor@indiana.edu
Monoaminergic neurotransmission in health and disease
WHEN: Oct. 19, 3 p.m.
WHERE: Indiana Memorial Union, Whittenberger Auditorium, 900 E. Seventh St. Bloomington
WHAT: Marc Caron, Ph.D., Duke University Medical Center, will describe how genetic manipulations of various signal transduction components has yielded important insights not only into the mechanisms of action of monoaminergic control of neurotransmission and how these principles might be used to develop more selective and effective therapies for central nervous system disorders.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-856-1930 or mtheodor@indiana.edu
or register at https://www.indiana.edu/~gillctr/registrationform.shtml
Taste of Latino
WHEN: Oct. 20, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
WHERE: Lobby of the Savannah Center, Indiana University Northwest, Gary, Ind
WHAT: The event will feature a sampling of delicious and ethnic treats, as well as a mix of Bachata, Salsa, and Reggaeton music. Learn how to dance the Bachata, a dance which originated in the Dominican Republic and is now popular in Latin America and select regions of Europe and the United States.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 219-980-6536 or https://www.iun.edu/~nwstuden/students/oma/index.shtml
Is The Euro Doomed? Why Europe's Financial Crisis Might Worry Us All
WHEN: Oct. 20, 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: 303 E Kirkwood Ave, Monroe County Library, Room 1B, Bloomington
WHAT: Dr. Catherine Bonser-Neal, Associate Professor of Finance, IUPUI Kelley School of Business; Dr. John McCormick
Professor & Jean Monnet Chair of EU Politics IUPUI Dept. of Political Science; Dr. Beate Sissenich Assistant Professor of Political Science IU-Bloomington Dept. of Political Science will discuss the topic of Europe's financial crisis.
COST: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: 812-856-3832 or eucenter@indiana.edu