Last modified: Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Media advisory: IU campuses will participate in statewide tornado drill Wednesday
March 20, 2012
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University campuses will participate in a statewide tornado drill Wednesday, March 21, as part of Indiana's Severe Weather Awareness Week, March 18 to 24.

Each campus will activate a tornado warning drill using IU-Notify, the university's emergency notification system, between 10 and 10:30 a.m. for the first test and between 7:30 and 8 p.m. for the second, both coinciding with the statewide drill.
In the event of real severe weather conditions Wednesday, the drill will be postponed until Thursday, March 22, at the same times.
Test messages will be sent to IU faculty, staff and students across the state via email, text message (SMS), social media and campus cable TV. Additionally, notifications will post to public digital displays and websites.
This test of IU-Notify is part of "Operation Stormy Weather," a university campaign to raise awareness of preparedness and safety procedures during severe weather season. Additionally, it serves to encourage IU faculty, staff and students to visit IU-Notify to review, verify, update and add contact information to ensure that they will receive IU-Notify messages in the event of an emergency. To do so, they should log in to OneStart at to confirm that contact information submitted previously is still correct.
For complete information, go to the original media release: