Upcoming Events
Patten Lecture: Science, Technology and the Reformulation of the Self
7:30 to 9 p.m. April 5
Maurer School of Law Moot Court (Law 123), IU Bloomington
Peter Galison, the Joseph Pellegrino University Professor in the Department of Physics and Philosophy of Science at Harvard University, will posit on such questions: How can we track the history of the self from the 1920s through the early 2000s by following quite material technologies? What, for example, did Hermann Rorschach's famous ink-blot tests presuppose about the self, and once these images came into play millions of times, how did they reshape our broad conception of the self? How do cybernetic-feedback machines press on our notion of intention? How do massive technological failures reshape our understanding of the shifting relation between human and machine causation -- even what counts as the boundary between people and nature? For more information, contact ivirk@indiana.edu.
Cognitive Science Talk Series: Robert J. Glushko
4 to 5 p.m. April 9
Psychology 101, IU Bloomington
Robert J. Glushko, adjunct full professor at the University of California at Berkeley in the School of Information since 2002, has over 30 years of R&D, consulting and entrepreneurial experience in information systems and service design, content management, electronic publishing, Internet commerce and human factors in computing systems. For more information, contact pmtodd@indiana.edu.
Center for Bioinformatics Research Series
4 to 5 p.m. April 18
Maple Room, Indiana Memorial Union, IU Bloomington
Yu Shyr of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine will discuss "Sample size calculation for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data under Poisson distribution." Sample size determination is an important issue in experimental design. Because of the complexity of RNA-seq experiments, however, the field currently lacks a sample size method widely applicable to differential expression studies utilizing RNA-seq technology. For more information, contact hatang@indiana.edu