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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Last modified: Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Indiana University Bloomington recent graduates and honor students

Spring semester 2004-05

July 19, 2005

NOTE: In an effort to make the names of graduates and honor students at Indiana University Bloomington easier to find, we have eliminated the need for a user name and password to access information.

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The names of May graduates and honor students at Indiana University Bloomington for the 2004-05 spring semester have been released. Honor students are designated as those who have earned a 3.5 GPA or better.

If you have received this notice, you may have an IU graduate or honor student in proximity to your readership area. You will find lists of IU graduates and honor students at: Each list also may be accessed from our Office of Media Relations Website at: will find the link in the left hand side bar under Media Relations Resources.

Both lists are searchable by zip code, student name or city. Results can be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet or word processing program. If you are pasting into a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect, simply paste it as unformatted text.