Last modified: Monday, November 5, 2012
Media advisory: Indiana University experts available to comment on election
Nov. 5, 2012
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University politics experts will be available Tuesday night to comment on election results, including national and state races and the closely watched U.S. Senate contest between Republican State Treasurer Richard Mourdock and Democratic Rep. Joe Donnelly.

For assistance in reaching IU experts on deadline, contact Steve Hinnefeld, IU Communications, at or at 812-856-3488 (office) or 812-361-2121 (cell phone).
IU faculty members available Tuesday night are expected to include:
- Marjorie Hershey, professor of political science, IU Bloomington College of Arts and Sciences
- Leslie Lenkowsky, professor of public affairs, IU Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs
- Beth Cate, associate professor, IU Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs (for questions about legal and election-law issues)
- Kristina Sheeler, associate professor of communication studies, IU School of Liberal Arts at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
- David Orentlicher, Samuel R. Rosen Professor of Law, IU McKinney School of Law, Indianapolis
- Marie Eisenstein, associate professor of political science, IU Northwest Department of History, Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies
- Rhonda Wrzenski, assistant professor of political science, IU Southeast School of Social Sciences
- Andrew Downs, associate professor of political science and director of the Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
- Michael Wolf, associate professor of political science, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne College of Arts and Sciences
See IU Communications' Decision 2012 website for more information on Indiana University expertise about politics and elections.