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Roy Durnal
Student Central on Union

Last modified: Friday, November 30, 2012

Registrar, Student Financial Assistance offices to merge service operations, move to new location

Nov. 30, 2012

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- A new student services center will open on Indiana University's Bloomington campus early in the 2013 spring semester.

"After more than a year of researching best practices and student service models, we are very excited to provide what we believe will be enhanced services to students and the campus with the creation of Student Central on Union early this spring," said David Johnson, vice provost for enrollment management.

The new center will combine the customer service operations for the offices of the Registrar and Student Financial Assistance, creating a single point of service for registration, transcripts, student records and financial aid assistance needs.

Both offices will move from their current locations in Franklin Hall into the new Student Central on Union, at 408 N. Union St. near Eigenmann Residence Center.

The exact date for the move is still being finalized, but it is planned for early in the spring semester. Additional details about the service operations consolidation and moving process will be shared in the future.

"This move is aimed at improving our core services to students, whether they're checking on their financial aid or adding a course," said Roy Durnal, director of Student Central on Union. "By combining the service-side operations of the offices of the Registrar and Student Financial Assistance in one convenient location on Union Street, we're creating seamless opportunities for students to take care of business."