Last modified: Thursday, October 6, 2005
Maynard Thompson named senior counselor to president
Oct. 6, 2005
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University President Adam Herbert today (Oct. 6) announced the appointment of Maynard Thompson as senior counselor to the president.

Maynard Thompson
Thompson, a mathematics professor who has previously served in several administrative capacities at the IU Bloomington campus, will be responsible for advising the president on a wide range of academic matters at all IU campuses, including policy development, and will serve as a liaison to faculty organizations.
"I am both delighted and deeply appreciative that Maynard Thompson has agreed to serve the university as senior counselor to the president," Herbert said. "I know how much he has enjoyed teaching and writing on a full-time basis and recognize that his acceptance of this assignment is a major sacrifice."
Thompson came to IU in 1962 as a Mathematics Department faculty member. He subsequently held several administrative leadership positions including department chairman, associate dean of the graduate school, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, dean of budgetary administration and vice chancellor.
In 2002, he stepped down from the vice chancellor's position after 14 years of service to resume full-time duties as a mathematics professor.
"I look forward to working with President Herbert, the chancellors and others to make progress on implementing an ambitious agenda for expanding and enhancing academic programs at IU," Thompson said.
Herbert said Thompson's background makes him uniquely qualified to serve in this senior level position in the Office of the President.
"Maynard's extensive knowledge of IU's institutional history and experience in dealing with all aspects of university operations will be of particular significance as we become a more mission-oriented and accountability-focused institution," Herbert said. "I look forward to receiving his counsel and assistance as we move the university to higher levels of distinction and distinctiveness."
Thompson earned a bachelor of arts degree from DePauw University and master's and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Wisconsin. He has long been active in the Mathematical Association of America, the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics and the Sloan Foundation, where he serves on the consultants board for the New Liberal Arts Program.