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The Community of Modern Dance performance at IU Bloomington
Jan. 16-17, 7:30 p.m., Ruth N. Halls Theatre, 275 N. Jordan Ave., Bloomington -- Indiana University Dance Theatre presents The Community of Modern Dance. The performance will feature works by guest artists from the Liz Lerman Dance Exchange; IU faculty in modern dance, music and African American and African Diaspora Studies; and master teacher, choreographer and artist Bill Evans.
Work by IU institute takes center stage as Indiana considers government reform

Gov. Mitch Daniels is pushing the General Assembly to take dramatic steps to streamline local government in Indiana. As he does, he relies on work done by the Center on Urban Policy and the Environment, part of the Indiana University Public Policy Institute, which provided staff support and other services for the Indiana Commission on Local Government Reform, appointed by Daniels and chaired by former Gov. Joe Kernan and Indiana Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard.
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Indiana University students, faculty and staff played key roles in last week's American Humanics Management/Leadership Institute in downtown Indianapolis. The event included more than 1,000 college students, faculty, nonprofit and corporate leaders from across the country participating in the capstone experience for students earning American Humanics certification in nonprofit leadership and management.
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The success of Ghana's recent elections should serve as a model for democracy elsewhere in Africa, said Amos Sawyer, an Indiana University faculty member who helped lead election monitoring teams in Ghana for the Economic Community of West African States. "In my view, Ghana continues to set the pace for West Africa," said Sawyer, a research scholar at the Workshop on Political Theory and Policy Analysis at IU Bloomington.
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Leading human rights defenders, including Saad Eddin Ibrahim, a visiting professor at Indiana University Bloomington, sent a clear message last month to President-elect Barack Obama: Renew the U.S. commitment to human-rights principles and practices that, the activists said, were abandoned after Sept. 11, 2001.
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Hoosiers ranked education as the top policy issue, according to results from the sixth annual Public Opinion Survey on K-12 Education in Indiana, ranking it higher than the economy, health care and other important issues. The survey was conducted by Center for Evaluation and Education Policy at the Indiana University School of Education.
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Marie Eisenstein, assistant professor of political science at Indiana University Northwest, sought to examine whether either general Christian beliefs or more specific religiously informed viewpoints bear any relationship to political tolerance or lack of tolerance. What Eisenstein discovered was that respect for the democratic ideal and belief in free access to the marketplace of ideas is just as strong among Christian citizens in America as it is among secularist citizens.
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The Dec. 9, 2008, issue of Perspectives on Policy featured a story about an Indiana University Bloomington course in which students examined "Why Young People Don't Vote" -- against the backdrop of the 2008 election. Also included were stories about the IU Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research, an archaeological study of homelessness in Indianapolis, a planned statewide study of court reform, an examination of the barriers to reforming health care, and a report that finds more women than men earning college degrees in Indiana.
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