
Scientist at work: Richard DiMarchi

DiMarchi, Richard Diabetes affects nearly 21 million children and adults in the United States -- about 1 in 15 Americans. Part of living with diabetes is dealing with hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, a problem that affects everyone who has diabetes at one time or another. Hypoglycemia can lead to dizziness, headache, sudden behavior changes, even seizures and loss of consciousness. In cases of severe hypoglycemia, glucagon, an injectable substance, raises blood sugar levels. Richard DiMarchi, chair of the Chemistry Department at IU Bloomington, is developing a glucagon-like drug into a product that can be administered quickly and simply via an injector pen to people experiencing diabetic shock.  Full Story

WIYN telescope to get innovative billion-pixel, $6.6 million camera

One Degree Imager camera

The number of larger-aperture telescopes is growing, but size isn't all that matters in a research telescope. Also important is how much of the sky the telescope can clearly image. A telescope used by Indiana University astronomers and their colleagues at Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson, Ariz., is about midway through a major improvement -- the addition of a new kind of camera that will allow scientists to record the telescope's entire exceptionally wide field of view for the first time.

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New hand-held testing device could revolutionize health care

In hospitals today, the first warning that a post-operative patient is going into septic shock is often when the patient's blood pressure collapses and cardiac arrest begins. By that time the patient has a high probability of dying, or, if he survives, an even higher probability of permanent major organ damage after a long stay in an intensive care unit.

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Security experts draw bead on how malware targets and dupes Internet users

In the good old days, computer-savvy rogues used malware mainly to wreak havoc with others' computers. But cyber crooks now are stealing users' personal and financial information and defrauding businesses with more sophisticated attacks. Malware is increasingly targeting consumers. Markus Jakobsson, associate professor at the Indiana University School of Informatics, said that malware relies on social vulnerabilities to spread and infect. This makes it harder to detect and block malware because users bypass detection systems when they agree to use the software.

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Mitochondrial genes move to the nucleus -- but it's not for the sex

Why mitochondrial genes ditch their cushy haploid environs to take up residence in a large and chaotic nucleus has long stumped evolutionary biologists, but Indiana University Bloomington scientists report in this week's Science that they've uncovered an important clue in flowering plants.

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Previous Issue

Katy Borner

The debut issue of Discoveries features Indiana University School of Library and Information Science Associate Professor Katy Börner. Also included are stories about how trees manage water in arid environments, plummeting kisspeptin levels, vanishing beetle horns and violent video games.

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