Read more about IU Nobel winner Elinor Ostrom, and see a day in the life of The College in this issue of The College magazine.

We usually visualize snowflakes as having hexagonal symmetry, and they often do. But snowflakes can take on many different shapes. Discs, rods, Ionic-style columns, and amorphous blobs are possible. Perhaps it would impress the speakers of Arctic languages to learn that scientists have 81 different terms for snowflake shapes.
The Joseph and Sophia Konopinski Colloquia Series
Jan. 13, 2010
4 - 5 p.m.
Swain Hall West 119, IU Bloomington
The Joseph and Sophia Konopinski Colloquia Series provides opportunities to IU faculty, staff, and students to learn about the best research in physics and physics-related fields. Refreshments will be available at 3:30 p.m in Swain Hall West 117. Jan. 13's speaker TBA. For more information about the event, please e-mail wsnow@indiana.edu.
Scientist at Work: Karen Kafadar

Determining the effectiveness of cancer screening programs, exposing flawed techniques for matching bullets used in crimes, understanding particle decay rates in high energy physics and reviewing FBI methods used to investigate the 2001 anthrax mailings. All of a sudden it's getting pretty cool to be a statistician, one might think, when looking at a day-in-the-life agenda of Indiana University Rudy Professor of Statistics Karen Kafadar.
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The sequences of nonsense DNA that interrupt genes could be far more important to the evolution of genomes than previously thought, according to a recent Science report by Indiana University Bloomington and University of New Hampshire biologists. Their study of the model organism Daphnia pulex (water flea) is the first to demonstrate the colonization of a single lineage by "introns," as the interrupting sequences are known. The scientists say introns are inserted into the genome far more frequently than current models predict. The scientists also found what appear to be "hot spots" for intron insertion -- areas of the genome where repeated insertions are more likely to occur. And surprisingly, the vast majority of intron DNA sequences the scientists examined were of unknown origin.
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Two finalists for the vice president for research position at Indiana University visited IU Bloomington and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis earlier this month. Finalists met with faculty and staff, as well as representatives from IU's regional campuses. The university search committee that identified the finalists will meet again and make further recommendations to IU President Michael McRobbie.
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A new mathematical theory titled, "Slant Antieigenvalue Theory" developed by Mort Seddighin, IU East professor of mathematics, and professor Karl Gustafson of the University of Colorado-Boulder, was presented in a lengthy paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Linear Algebra and Applications. LAA is one of the top referred international journals in mathematics published by Elsevier. The standard antieigenvalue theory was developed 35 years ago by Gustafson. The advancements and applications to date of standard antieigenvalue theory have been largely by Seddighin and Gustafson.
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Research published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry may reveal the next step to developing an objective clinical laboratory blood test for psychotic disease stations. Currently, there is no predictive blood test that identifies and prioritizes blood biomarkers for two key psychotic symptoms, one sensory (hallucinations) and one cognitive (delusions). The article provides proof of principle for an approach that may provide a breakthrough for diagnosing and treating diseases such as schizophrenia.
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Fourteen years and billions of dollars later, physicists at Indiana University today are celebrating their collaboration in the successful restart of the world's most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland. After more than a year of repairs, the LHC sent its first circulating particle beams around a 17-mile underground ring on Friday (Nov. 20). Then today (Nov. 23) scientists at CERN were literally raising toasts in the control room as the first low-energy collisions of proton beams occurred at the $5 billion particle accelerator.
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The Indiana Geological Survey, a research institute of Indiana University, is a member of a large, new U.S. Department of Energy project to assess the geothermal potential of most American states. Also known as the IGS, the Survey is participating in a comprehensive nationwide inventory of geothermal data to help identify and assess new geothermal resources for potential development. The IGS, along with 40 other state geological surveys, has formed a coalition to populate a new National Geothermal Data System with relevant, state-specific geothermal data. Over the three-year life of the project, the Geothermal Data Consortium will receive $17.79 million from the DOE with the IGS receiving $300,000.
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The Nov. 17, 2009, issue of Discoveries, featured IU Bloomington geologist Enrique Merino and the banded rock formations he has devoted much of his career to studying. Also featured were stories on IU's new data center, social networking for scientists, IU's new Innovation Center, a Great Lakes environmental science project, futuristic batteries and a special IU Physics-Astronomy open house event in Bloomington.
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Some recent titles by IU researchers
"Neurotoxicity of radiation therapy," Neurologic Clinics, Feb. 2010, by E.J. Dropcho
"The crystal structure of the hinge domain of the Escherichia coli structural maintenance of chromosomes protein MukB," Journal of Molecular Biology, Jan. 2010, by Y. Li, A.J. Schoeffler, J.M. Berger, and M. Oakley
"Viral structural transition mechanisms revealed by multiscale molecular dynamics/order parameter extrapolation simulation," Biopolymers, Jan. 2010, by Y. Miao and P.J. Ortoleva
"Allelic based gene-gene interaction in case-control studies," Human Heredity, Jan. 2010, by J. Jung and Y. Zhao
Have you heard the latest news from the IU Pervasive Technology Institute? If not, check out the latest issue of its Cyberinfrastructure Newsletter.