Active for Life, From the health and wellness experts at IU  

Study: College football players can cry (a little) if they want to

Jesse Steinfeldt In 2009, the news media disparaged University of Florida quarterback Tim Tebow for crying on the sidelines after losing a big game, even labeling him Tim 'Tearbow.' A study by Indiana University researchers has found that tearing up isn't so terrible. "Overall, college football players who strive to be stronger and are emotionally expressive are more likely to have a mental edge on and off the field," said psychologist Jesse Steinfeldt, assistant professor in the IU School of Education.  Full Story

 Study: Campus smoking ban reduced students' smoking, changed attitudes


Smoking bans have become more common on university campuses, but do they work? Do they help reduce smoking in this newly independent age group? According to a study from IU's School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, they do.

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 Red flags for eye disorders in the elderly

Elderly Eye Care

Most people begin to experience changes in their vision as they turn 40, and by age 65, one in three Americans will have experienced an eye disorder, says Louis B. Cantor, M.D., chair of the IU Department of Ophthalmology. He recommends annual eye exams after the age of 50 and in this article discusses such serious eye conditions as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts and problems associated with diabetes.

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 Overweight or obese kids at almost three times greater risk of high blood pressure

Overweight Children

Overweight or obese children are at three times greater risk for high blood pressure than children of normal weight, according to researchers from the Regenstrief Institute and Indiana University School of Medicine. "Higher blood pressure in childhood sets the stage for high blood pressure in adulthood," said Regenstrief Institute Investigator Wanzhu Tu, professor of biostatistics at IU School of Medicine.

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 Hair sampling shows toxic mercury pervasive in Indianapolis


Results of tests taken from people in Indianapolis in April revealed that all of them had some amount of toxic mercury in their bodies. All 38 samples showed traces of mercury; three samples were above the EPA's health guideline for mercury. These findings and others were discussed last month by local health experts and environmental advocates who participated in a panel discussion at the Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis.

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 New target for pain may also reduce brain injury from trauma, IU researchers say


A newly discovered peptide that appears to minimize acute and chronic pain has now been identified by IU School of Medicine researchers as a potential tool to prevent cell death following traumatic brain injury.

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 Previous issue

Reaction to 9/11

The Sept. 8, 2011, Active for Life includes insights about the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; research about the gender wage gap, happiness, infidelity, the alcohol-neighborhood violence connection and Indiana youth drug use; and information about 'drunkorexia.'

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