Last modified: Wednesday, March 4, 2009
John Seely Brown to guest lecture on IU campuses
March 4, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Noted writer, speaker, and educator John Seely Brown will discuss learning in the digital age at guest lectures on IU's Bloomington, Indianapolis and South Bend campuses April 2-3.
Brown is currently a visiting scholar at the University of Southern California and serves as an independent co-chairman for the Deloitte Center for Edge Innovation. Formerly, Brown served as the chief scientist at Xerox Corporation and the director of its Palo Alto Research Center.

John Seely Brown
Brown's visit to IU is co-sponsored by the IU Office of the Vice President for Information Technology and CIO, the Office of the Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education and Indiana University's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Initiative, the IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning, and the IU South Bend University Center for Excellence in Teaching.
"We are seeking meaningful, evidenced-based conversations concerning technology and the scholarship of teaching and learning," said IU Associate Dean for Learning Technologies tacy Morrone, PhD. "IU's new strategic plan for IT, Empowering People, calls for us to find ways to make teaching and learning with technology more human-centric."
Brown's presentations will discuss how learning ecologies may be influencing teaching and learning and underscores the technological shift already underway in the lives of college students -- a shift from using technology as a way to support the individual to using technology as a way to support the relationships among individuals.
Such a shift challenges educators to redefine what it means to be literate in the 21st century and to reassess the value of learning environments that encourage multiprocessing, as students go about creating their own ecologies of learning and as the digital world demands that they be more discerning consumers, make better judgments and synthesize the wealth of information available to them as they interact with online communities of their peers.
Schedule for John Seely Brown, "Learning in the Digital Age"
IU Bloomington
Thursday, April 2, noon-1:15pm
Grand Hall, Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center
Buffet lunch will be provided starting at 11:30 a.m.
More information:
Edward C. Moore Symposium on Teaching Excellence
Thursday, April 2, 3-4pm
Ruth Lilly Learning Center Auditorium, Riley Outpatient Center
Reception and poster session following, 4-5pm
More information:
IU South Bend
2009 Annual Midwest Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Friday, April 3, 9-10:30am
Lecture Hall, Wiekamp Hall
More information:
For John Seely Brown's talk abstract and biography, see: