Last modified: Tuesday, March 17, 2009
IU to participate in severe weather tests Wednesday
March 17, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- All Indiana University communities are urged to participate in the severe weather tests planned for Wednesday (March 18).

The National Weather Service, in conjunction with the Indiana State Police, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, the Indiana Department of Education, the Indiana Broadcasters Association, the American Red Cross and Amateur Radio Operators will conduct two statewide tests of communication systems Wednesday between 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. EDT and between 7 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. EDT.
If weather postpones the tests, the makeup drill day is Thursday, March 19, at the same times.
The IU Office of Risk Management urges IU faculty, students and staff to review the severe weather communications and shelter plans for their building. The alert will be broadcast on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather radio, local media and campus cable TV over-ride. The outdoor warning sirens and public address system will also be tested at both times.
This is also a good time to replace the backup batteries in your weather radio. The Indiana University Office of Risk Management recommends that every university building and department purchase a NOAA weather/all-hazards alert radio and place it where staff or other occupants can monitor it while the building is in use. The radios receive alerts directly from the nearest National Weather Service office, and they are the fastest way to learn about weather watches, warnings and other emergency information issued by government authorities. In addition, the radios may be programmed to receive alerts only for the county where your campus is located.
IU Purchasing has a pricing agreement with Midland Radio Corporation for NOAA weather/all-hazards alert radios. For information about ordering a weather radio for your office, visit
The link below is for a flier that details events and includes information pertaining to Indiana Severe Weather Preparedness Week March 15-21). As stated in the flier, the goal is to better educate people about the hazards of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes and to help everyone be prepared should severe weather occur.
For additional information about weather in your area, visit the Indianapolis National Weather Service site,
Please be aware that IU-Notify will NOT be included as part of these drills.