Last modified: Friday, November 13, 2009
IU Bloomington receives first H1N1 vaccines; 980 with reservations to receive doses Monday
Nov. 13, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University Bloomington has received an initial supply of 980 doses of the H1N1 flu vaccine from the Indiana State Department of Health, enough for students and employees who reserved vaccines for Day 1 (Monday, Nov. 16) of Week 1 in IU's online reservation system.

IU Bloomington students and employees eligible for an initial round of H1N1 vaccines should look for this active link at three different Web sites in order to make a vaccination reservation.
Free vaccinations will be distributed beginning Monday at 11 a.m. for only those with Day 1, Week 1 reservations. IU students and employees with appropriate reservations should enter the South entrance of Assembly Hall, 1001 E. 17th St. Anyone with appointments between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. should come as early as possible due to an 8:30 p.m. IU men's basketball game. Those arriving after 5:30 p.m. must park in the White Lot west of Memorial Stadium.
Any student or employee with a Day 1, Week 1 reservation will receive a follow-up confirmation e-mail denoting the actual date (Nov. 16). Any student or employee with a reservation will need to consult their H1N1 Vaccine Reservation Ticket for the time of their appointment. If you have lost your reservation ticket, then please arrive anyway and the clinic check-in staff will verify your appointment. Those being vaccinated are being asked to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to their reservation time.
To receive the vaccination those with the appropriate reservation must arrive with a completed H1N1 influenza vaccine consent form, and, if under age 18, also a signed H1N1 influenza parental consent form.
In addition to the consent forms, those with the appropriate reservation should also arrive with the automatically generated e-mail they received at the time the reservation was made. The e-mail serves as a reservation ticket.
Finally, wear a short-sleeve shirt to the appointment in order to accommodate an efficient and smooth vaccination process. The IU Health Center plans to vaccinate about 120 people per hour.
If a student or employee cannot keep a reservation for Monday due to unforeseen circumstances call 812-855-7688 to cancel the original appointment, which will permit access to the online reservation system so a new appointment can be scheduled.
Future announcements about more vaccine becoming available to students and employees with reservations will be made as more vaccine arrives. Updates can be found on the IU Health Center's Twitter feed at
Qualified students and employees at IU Bloomington can still reserve a vaccination by visiting either the IU Bloomington home page at, the IU Health Center home page at or the Health Center page in OneStart at (See "Health Center" in left side menu under the "Campus" tab). Once there, users will be able to access the reservation service by clicking on the "Free H1N1 Vaccinations" icon.
For more information, please contact Steve Chaplin, University Communications, at 812-856-1896 or