Last modified: Thursday, December 3, 2009
H1N1 vaccinations resume Monday; additional 860 doses reserved for those eligible
Dec. 3, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - Indiana University Bloomington's H1N1 Clinic will be administering vaccines next week, Dec. 7-9, at Assembly Hall. An additional 860 vaccines are available to be administered to eligible recipients who may still make reservations for Dec. 8-9.
If you qualify for an H1N1 vaccine, but have not received one, then please visit the H1N1 Reservation System ( to reserve your shot.

The final schedule for currently available H1N1 vaccines, above, ends Wednesday.
IU students and employees have experienced extremely short lines at the clinic, with virtually no wait time. The average length of time spent at Assembly Hall, where the vaccine is being distributed, is five minutes or less from start to finish. Free parking is also available.
Qualified students and employees at IU Bloomington can still reserve a vaccinations by visiting either the IU Bloomington home page at, the IU Health Center home page at or the Health Center page in OneStart at (See "Health Center" in left side menu under the "Campus" tab). Once there, users will be able to access the reservation service by clicking on the "Free H1N1 Vaccinations" icon.
Those IU students, faculty and staff currently eligible to make reservations are pregnant women, households with children younger than six months of age, students and employees through age 24, health care and emergency medical services personnel, and people 25-64 with a chronic medical condition that creates a higher risk for complications.
Anyone who meets the above criteria but who also has a serious egg allergy, has had a reaction to a previous flu vaccine or who has experienced Gullain-Barre Syndrome within six weeks of the vaccination date will not be eligible to receive the vaccine and should consult their health care provider.
For more information please contact Steve Chaplin, University Communications, at 812-856-1896 or