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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Last modified: Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hoosiers for Higher Education Statehouse Visit scheduled Feb. 2

Jan. 14, 2010

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends of Indiana University from around the state will meet in Indianapolis on Tuesday, Feb. 2, for the 19th annual Hoosiers for Higher Education Statehouse Visit.

HHE Day at the Statehouse

IU supporters crowd the Statehouse North Atrium in 2007.

Print-Quality Photo

The program will begin at 1 p.m. in the North Atrium and will feature comments by IU President Michael A. McRobbie and IU students representing student government organizations on several IU campuses. Legislators have also been invited to speak.

"The Statehouse Visit provides a great opportunity to remind our representatives of all the great things that Indiana University does for the state of Indiana," said Debbie Lemon, director of Hoosiers for Higher Education. "Given the current budget situation, it's all the more important that friends of IU make face-to-face contact with their legislators."

The event also will include a showcase in the North Atrium of displays representing the theme of this year's Statehouse Visit, "Innovation Accelerated by Tradition." Exhibits will focus on how IU and its collaborative partners work together to advance the state of Indiana through education, research, economic development and creating healthier communities.

Featured displays include the IU Research and Technology Corp. (IURTC), the Indiana Innovation Fund, IU-Purdue University partnerships in the Clinical Translational Science Institute and the Indiana Innovation Alliance, along with outreach and educational programs by the IU School of Medicine, IU School of Dentistry, and the IUPUI Office of Neighborhood Partnerships.

Also highlighted will be the IU School of Law-Indianapolis Program on Law and State Government and the Indiana Geological Survey, which provide significant support to the state; the Center for Research in Environmental Science; and the new IUPUI Motorsports Program, which is creating exciting opportunities for Indiana's premier motorsports industry.

Participants may register on site and pick up packets beginning at noon in the Statehouse Rotunda. Following the program, HHE volunteers will have an opportunity to visit with legislators in their respective chambers.

Later in the day there will be a reception at the Indiana Roof Ballroom, 140 W. Washington St. in downtown Indianapolis, during which McRobbie will present the annual Welsh-Bowen Distinguished Public Official Award and Sue H. Talbot Distinguished HHE Volunteer Award.

To learn more about the 19th annual visit and to register, visit the Hoosiers for Higher Education Web site at