Last modified: Tuesday, January 19, 2010
IU writers and designers among the best in the business
Jan. 19, 2010
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University staff members at IU Bloomington and IUPUI consistently achieve a level of excellence in communication that meets and exceeds the highest standards according to a leading standard bearer, the Society for Technical Communication (STC). IU won top awards again this year in the STC's annual Chicago Chapter competition.
Judging in the STC competitions considers not only how well a piece is produced, but also looks in depth at the art and science of communication in such areas as structure, content, consistency, and usability. This year's awards are the latest in a long line for IU's IT communicators stretching back beyond the previous decade. (For a partial list of past awards, see:

This year an Award of Excellence went to the team that produced the UITS new student orientation video: Matt Chambers, Karen Garrett, Brent Mann, Laura McCain, Chip Rondot, Nicole Powell and Ted Walker.
UITS screened the video for incoming students as a part of their orientation to the information technology environment at IU. Versions of the video were customized for each Indiana University campus. It is available for viewing on the IT home page for new students at
A second Award of Excellence went to Momi Ford, Jan Holloway, and Sue Workman for the article "Whatever it Takes: Supporting Higher Education Executives 24x7x365." The article is a Research Bulletin in the EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR) series, whose research publications foster dialogue and enhance decision-making at colleges and universities. IU was invited to write on this topic based on its having built a successful model for 24x7x365 executive IT support without requiring significant new resources.
Each year, the STC holds competitions in its regional chapters and nationwide to find the best in technical communications. The competition includes participants from all IT sectors, from universities to corporations like Microsoft and IBM. The competition is intense, and these awards place IU's IT communicators in elite company.
The judging process includes not only the selection of winners, but feedback from industry leaders as well. This invaluable commentary helps IU's IT communicators stay abreast of the latest industry standards in communications, and continue to communicate at the highest level about information technology at Indiana University.
About the Society for Technical Communication
STC ( is a worldwide professional association whose mission is to advance the arts and sciences of technical communication. It is the largest association of its kind in the world, with over 14,000 members.