Last modified: Monday, February 15, 2010
Center on the Global Legal Profession launches new Web site
Feb. 15, 2010
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Indiana University Maurer School of Law's Center on the Global Legal Profession has launched a new Web site, providing up-to-the-minute news and commentary on developments in the legal profession.
The new Web site features blogs from the center's director, Professor William Henderson, and news on the center's activities; and it instantly allows visitors to translate the site's content into their native language.

Debbie O'Leary
William Henderson
"It is important for us to ensure the Center on the Global Legal Profession has a true global reach," Henderson, the Harry T. Ice Faculty Fellow, said. "We are working diligently to become a world leader in the study of attorneys and our profession across the globe. It is only fitting that a center with that aspiration be immediately accessible from anywhere in the world. The CGLP site accomplishes that, and we plan to do even more very soon."
Launched in August 2009, the Center on the Global Legal Profession unites three existing components at the Law School: the Law Firms Working Group, the Milt Stewart Comparative Legal Professions Program, and the innovative FutureFirm competition.
The three components are working collaboratively to understand all aspects of the legal profession, from the first year of traditional legal education to the benefits of involving retired attorneys in pro bono work. By studying the way lawyers work and function across international borders, the center can discover their most effective habits and incorporate those into an innovative legal education model. While the center's work is based in Bloomington, Ind., its new Web site allows users from every corner of the map to research and participate in the study of the global legal profession.
"Our new Web site, much like the center itself, is still early in its development," said Jay Krishnan, professor of law and the Charles L. Whistler Faculty Fellow at the IU Maurer School of Law. "The site will serve as a hub that unites all the various pieces we have in place. From Bill's posts about traveling to India to the latest blog entries from top bloggers and news sources, we've built something that we hope will become the place to find and share developments on the legal profession."
The site itself is inviting to visitors from across the globe. Guests to the Web site can immediately click on one of 26 international flags to have the site automatically translated.
"A center that focuses its work on globalization and the law should do everything in its power to actually connect people from every corner of the map," Henderson said. "We look forward to continuing our work with attorneys, scholars, and institutions all over the world as we aim to understand the legal profession more clearly."
The Center on the Global Legal Profession Web site is located at: