Last modified: Tuesday, February 1, 2011
What does art teach? ArtsWeek 2011 features student photo exhibit on meanings of art
WHAT: "What Does Art Teach?" Exhibit of photographs by Bloomington High School South students
Feb. 1-28: MCCSC Administration Building, 315 E. North Drive
Feb. 4-28: By Hand Gallery, 101 W. Kirkwood Ave.
Feb. 17-27: The Pour House Café, 314 E. Kirkwood Ave.
Feb. 17-27: Starbucks East, 115 S. Ind. 46 Bypass
TICKETS: Free admission
Feb. 1, 2011
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- "Art teaches me to be myself." "Art teaches me to work hard." "Art connects me to my soul." These are just a few of the answers that Bloomington High School South photography students are presenting in "What Does Art Teach You?", a multi-site exhibition created for ArtsWeek 2011.

"ArtsTeach" photo by Bloomington High School South student photographer Becca Dvorak.
This year's ArtsWeek theme is "ArtsTeach," and students from three photography classes taught by arts educator Staci Jennings took on the assignment of illustrating the theme with visual imagery and text. Their final prints are portraits of young people inscribed with words describing the importance of the arts.
Jennings says the project taught her students about the art of photography and about the larger influence of art in students' lives. "We did lessons on depth of field, background, angle of view, and other specifics," Jennings says. "But I think the assignment made an impression on them not only about creating art, but also about the importance of having a creative outlet and the importance of art at any age."
Some of the photographs feature young children describing how art makes them feel, and other portraits feature older teens and peers of the student photographers. The portraits will be on display at four locations around the Bloomington community during February, and the exhibits are free and open to the public.
"These young photographers are thrilled to have their work displayed in various venues," Jennings says. "At this age, they tend to be very modest about their abilities, so they are excited to have their work displayed."
For more information, see the ArtsWeek 2011 Web site at