Last modified: Monday, February 21, 2011
Annual Black Knowledge Bowl to honor black academic achievers Wednesday
Feb. 21, 2011
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center at Indiana University Bloomington will host its annual Black Knowledge Bowl at 6 p.m. on Wednesday (Feb. 23) in the Grand Hall of the center, 275 N. Jordan Ave.

Winning smiles from last year's Black Knowledge Bowl
This ever expanding and innovative team competition has been a tradition on the IU Bloomington campus since the early 1980s.
"This year, we acted upon our belief that black history is American and world history and extended a special invitation to student organizations from across the campus to form teams and participate," said Audrey T. McCluskey, director of the center. "We hope to have a diversity of representation among the teams."
The "Jeopardy" television show format will again be used to quiz teams on various categories of knowledge relating to black history, culture, art, politics and popular culture in America and the African Diaspora. The teams of undergraduate students will compete for first, second and third-place monetary prizes.
The first-place team will have its photograph taken and attached to an engraved plaque and mounted in the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center.
Another attraction this year will be the special recognition of high academic achievers among the black student population of IU.
Sylvester Johnson, assistant professor and director of graduate studies in the Department of Religious Studies, will be this year's game show host. Dionne Danns, assistant professor of education, will chair the panel of judges.
A reception honoring the participants will conclude the program. This event is free and open to the public.