Last modified: Thursday, February 24, 2011
Research from legal professions center at IU Maurer School of Law featured in 'ABA Journal' cover story
Feb. 24, 2011
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Research findings by the Indiana University Maurer School of Law's Center on the Global Legal Profession are featured in a cover story in the March 2011 issue of the ABA Journal.

Debbie O'Leary
William Henderson
Titled "What Lawyers Earn," the article identifies and maps the movement of jobs and money in the legal profession during a period of dramatic changes. Using U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data compiled by the center's director, Professor of Law William Henderson, the article examines the geography of lawyer salaries in legal markets, county by county, across the country.
The article features an interactive table that enables the reader to find wage data for every county in the United States. In addition, the article defines the top 35 legal markets, along with 10 smaller markets that pay wages as high as their large-city counterparts.
"The only way that lawyers and law firms can make the right decisions about their future is by having valid data," Henderson said. "I hope that the information in this article will help the profession plan for the changes that lie ahead."
A link to the article may be found here.
Henderson is a professor of law and Val Nolan Faculty Fellow at the IU Maurer School of Law and director of the school's Center on the Global Legal Profession. He is available to comment on his research and the center's work, and can be reached at or at 812-856-1788.