Last modified: Friday, March 18, 2011
National Jurist names IU Maurer School of Law professor one of 23 “bucket list” profs
March 18, 2010
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- A professor at the IU Maurer School of Law has been included in a National Jurist article listing "23 law profs to take before you die."
Professor William Henderson was cited for his course, The Law Firm as a Business Organization, and for his role in developing the law school's unique course on the legal profession, a first-year course "that explores how different practice settings. . . influence the moral and ethical duties of lawyers."

Debbie O'Leary
William Henderson
Referring to Henderson as "the leading thinker on the employment forefront in the legal profession," the article describes his scholarship on the empirical analysis of the legal profession and legal education. His work most recently appeared as a cover story in the March issue of ABA Journal titled "What Lawyers Earn."
The National Jurist article asked, "What if you could bring together some of the most entertaining, influential and riveting professors in legal academia under one roof? We've done just that, assembling a staff of 23 law faculty you should take before you die." Henderson appears alongside other professors from top-ranked law schools, including Duke, University of California - Berkeley, Chicago, Harvard and Yale.
Henderson is a Professor of Law and Val Nolan Faculty Fellow at Indiana Law. He is also the director of the school's Center on the Global Legal Profession and writes and speaks extensively on matters affecting the profession, hiring trends and law firm business practices.