Last modified: Thursday, June 2, 2011
George P. Smith II named inaugural CLEAR Health fellow
June 2, 2011
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Indiana University Center for Law, Ethics and Applied Research in Health Information announced today (June 2) the appointment of George P. Smith II as its first visiting fellow.
Smith, a professor at the Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law, is an internationally recognized scholar whose work focuses on the intersection of law and health care, specifically bioethics and health law. He will use his month-long stay at CLEAR Health to continue research on a forthcoming book that examines end-of-life decision-making and palliative care. Smith will present results from his research later this fall, when he delivers a public lecture honoring the memory of former IU President Myles Brand.

George P. Smith II
Smith has deep ties to Indiana University, having received his undergraduate and law degrees from the Bloomington campus. He remains deeply engaged with the university and its Maurer School of Law, where he serves as a member of the Board of Visitors. It was there that Smith first heard of CLEAR Health, which is co-directed by Distinguished Professor Fred Cate.
"I have followed with great interest Fred's innovative approach to tackling the cutting-edge issues in health care reform and I applaud his commitment, and that of Indiana University, to addressing the complex ethical, policy and social issues necessary to enhance the availability of health information, facilitate research and improve health outcomes for patients," Smith said.
"CLEAR Health's mission is truly a bold commitment to advance the common good for all citizens -- not just Hoosiers. To play a very small role in researching one aspect of health care -- namely, the use of health care resources at the end-stage of life -- is very exciting for me as a lawyer and economist."
Smith will be at CLEAR Health through the beginning of July. He credits much of the inspiration for his recent work to Gregory P. Gramelspacher, M.D., a renowned palliative care expert at the IU School of Medicine.
"To be enabled to undertake research which may well inform and guide policy-making in health care administration and in health care reform at CLEAR Health as a visiting fellow this summer is a humbling experience," Smith said.
Established in 2010, CLEAR Health Information is helping supply the legal, ethical and usability analysis that is critical to patient and policymaker trust, as personal health information is created and collected at a faster rate than ever. Privacy is a critical component in ensuring that data is created, stored and shared effectively.
CLEAR Health Information leverages the resources of the university and the state of Indiana in health sciences, information technology, law, ethics and other disciplines. The center, funded by a generous grant from Lilly Endowment Inc., aims to advance the quality, efficiency and affordability of health care.