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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Last modified: Monday, February 28, 2005

Indiana University Founders Day 2005

IU honors founders, recognizes best teachers, students

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University will remember its founders, salute its historical legacy, and recognize outstanding students from its Bloomington campus and 16 award-winning teachers university-wide on Founders Day, March 6, at 1 p.m. in Bloomington's Assembly Hall. IU President Adam W. Herbert will preside.

Thirteen faculty members and three doctoral students will be recognized for outstanding teaching, research or service to the university. The award recipients teach at IU's Bloomington, South Bend and New Albany campuses.

Three faculty members from Indiana University Bloomington have been chosen to receive the President's Award, established in 1974 to recognize outstanding teaching, research or service on all of IU's campuses. They are Matthew R. Auer, associate professor of public and environmental affairs in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs; Douglas H. Knapp, associate professor in the Department of Recreation and Park Administration, a division of the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation; and Mary Benson McMullen, associate professor of education in the School of Education.

Gretchen L. Anderson, associate professor of chemistry in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Indiana University South Bend, will receive the Herman Frederic Lieber Memorial Award for distinguished teaching. The Frederic Bachman Lieber Memorial Award, which also recognizes outstanding teaching, will go to Howard S. Rosenbaum, associate professor of library and information science in the School of Library and Information Science at IU Bloomington.

The Frederic Bachman Lieber Award was established in 1954 by Katie D. Bachman in honor of her grandson. The Herman Frederic Lieber Award was originally sponsored by the IU Foundation and is now sponsored by Mrs. Herman Lieber of Indianapolis.

Betsy Lucal, associate professor of sociology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at IU South Bend, will receive the Sylvia E. Bowman Award. Bowman, a respected scholar and author, gave 34 years of service to IU as a professor, academic administrator and chancellor for regional campus administration. The Bowman Award, established in 1994, honors exemplary faculty members in discipline areas related to American civilization.

Linda Chen, associate professor of political science and chair of the Department of Political Science in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at IU South Bend, will receive the Wilbert Hites Mentoring Award. The award was established by Ronald A. Hites, Distinguished Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs at IU Bloomington, in honor of his late father. Hites Award recipients must display outstanding mentoring qualities that provide students or colleagues with the academic support, advice and encouragement needed to establish their own career and educational goals.

Named as recipients of the John W. Ryan Award for distinguished contributions to international programs are Robert W. Campbell from IU Bloomington and Deborah G. Finkel from Indiana University Southeast. Campbell is a distinguished professor emeritus in the Department of Economics in the College of Arts and Sciences and the University Graduate School. Finkel, a professor of psychology, is the program coordinator of IU Southeast's International Studies Program.

The Ryan Award was initiated in 1991 and named for the man who was president of IU from 1971 to 1987. Ryan, now president emeritus, was instrumental in fostering IU's commitment to excellence in international education. The award honors faculty members or librarians who have made exceptional contributions to the university's international programs and studies.

Three professors will be elevated to the rank of Distinguished Professor: Miriam Fried, the Dorothy and Richard Starling Endowed Chair in Music and professor of music (violin) at IU Bloomington; Michael Lynch, professor of biology and senior fellow at the Indiana Molecular Biology Institute in the Department of Biology in IU Bloomington's College of Arts and Sciences; and Violette Verdy, professor of music (ballet) in the School of Music at IU Bloomington.

The Part-time Teaching Award goes to Elizabeth K. Mooney, associate professor of sociology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology in IU South Bend's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Three IU Bloomington doctoral students will receive the Lieber Memorial Teaching Associate Award. They are Teresa L. Heinz, doctoral student in communication and culture in the College of Arts and Sciences; Victoria L. Malawey, doctoral student in music in the School of Music; and Alicia E. Suarez, doctoral student in sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Certificates for IU Bloomington students who have earned academic honors will be distributed immediately following the ceremony at a reception in the Mellencamp Pavilion.

For complete information and photos of the faculty award recipients, go to:

Gretchen Anderson:
Matthew Auer:
Robert Campbell:
Linda Chen:
Deborah Finkel:
Miriam Fried:
Teresa Heinz:
Douglas Knapp:
Betsy Lucal:
Michael Lynch:
Victoria Malawey:
Mary Benson McMullen:
Elizabeth Mooney:
Howard Rosenbaum:
Alicia Suarez:
Violette Verdy: