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Last modified: Thursday, July 14, 2005

IU Bloomington launches chancellor search Web site

JULY 14, 2005

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- A Web site designed to communicate news about the search for a senior vice president for academic affairs and chancellor of the Bloomington campus was launched on July 1 at

Trevor Brown, who recently retired as dean of the IU School of Journalism, is heading a search committee that is now in the process of reviewing candidates for the position. As the search progresses, news updates will be posted on the Web site to keep the university and Bloomington communities informed.

The Web site displays a note from Brown inviting readers to share ideas and concerns regarding the search by using the question-and-answer link found on the site. The page also offers links to a position description, a list of the people serving on the search committee, and news releases and articles concerning the search.

Kenneth R.R. Gros Louis is currently serving in the role of senior vice president and chancellor. He was chancellor of the Bloomington campus for 21 years before stepping down and then came out of retirement in 2004 to serve as interim chancellor and senior vice president.