Last modified: Thursday, September 28, 2006
Daniel Callison named dean of the School of Continuing Studies
Sept. 28, 2006
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University President Adam W. Herbert today announced that Daniel Callison, a professor and executive associate dean of the School of Library and Information Science in Indianapolis, has accepted appointment as dean of the IU School of Continuing Studies.

Daniel Callison
Subject to confirmation by the Board of Trustees at their Nov. 3 meeting, Callison will assume his new duties on Jan. 1. Callison was recommended for the position by an 11-member academic search committee headed by Gerardo Gonzalez, dean of the IU School of Education.
Callison, who came to IU in 1979, has held a variety of academic positions with increasing responsibility. Currently, he serves as director of the master's in library science program and the system-wide School Library Media Education program, which was ranked eighth nationally this year by U.S. News and World Report magazine. Callison oversees 11 full-time faculty members and 40 adjunct instructors who teach more than 48 courses.
"Daniel Callison has the right mix of skills and experience needed to lead the IU School of Continuing Studies," Herbert said. "He has established an enviable record of academic accomplishment. He also has been a national leader in developing and expanding the emerging technologies of distance learning."
Herbert noted that every year, the school helps thousands of working Hoosiers advance in their chosen careers by offering specialized courses and training programs.
"This was an especially important search because the School of Continuing Studies is one of Indiana University's most important assets as we work to address the state's economic development needs," Herbert said. "In an expanding knowledge-based economy that requires lifelong learning, the school will play an increasingly more important role in shaping Indiana's future workforce. We are delighted to welcome Daniel into this important leadership role."
Callison will report to Michael A. McRobbie, interim provost and vice president for academic affairs.
McRobbie said Callison's experience with developing and expanding distance-learning programs will be a great asset to the School of Continuing Studies, which serves non-traditional students whose work and family responsibilities often prevent them from attending traditional classroom programs.
"Danny has led several programs that have been very successful in attracting students and maintaining high levels of academic quality," McRobbie said. "Many of these programs are also serving students at several locations via the Internet. With this track record, he was the ideal candidate for this deanship."
Callison said he looks forward to having an opportunity to expand the offerings of the School of Continuing Studies to more students across Indiana.
"IU has the instructional content and technological expertise to expand offerings for a wide variety of learning audiences," Callison said. "SCS and its excellent faculty and staff will increase its involvement in programs and grants to support educational options for Indiana's workforce needs, opportunities for the growing number of Hoosiers seeking meaningful professional career changes, and will seek ways to be a substantial player in online course delivery to international sites as well."
Callison's third book, Information Age Inquiry, Literacy and Instruction, was just released this week by Libraries Unlimited. Much of the content of this publication will be part of a summit on information literacy at the National Education Association in Washington D.C. later in October.
Callison holds doctorate and master's degrees in education from IU Bloomington. He also holds a master's degree in library science from Emporia State University, Kansas, and a bachelor's degree from Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas.
He succeeds interim dean Judith B. Wertheim, who is leaving the university to become the vice president for higher education services of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning.