Last modified: Wednesday, October 18, 2006
IU professor chairs world-wide watershed conference for professionals
Oct. 18, 2006
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Lake and watershed management professionals from around the world will meet in Indianapolis' Union Station, Nov. 8-10, to attend the 26th Annual International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS). Bill Jones, who is chairing this year's program, is a professor at Indiana University's School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
The theme of the conference, "Making Connections -- Land, Water, People," recognizes the importance of watershed activities on water quality and the role people play in those activities. The conference is open to the public, but registration is required.
"This is a fantastic opportunity for Hoosiers interested in lakes to hear from the very top people in the field," Jones said.
The opening plenary will feature talks by Todd Thompson of the Indiana Geological Survey, a research institute at Indiana University, who will discuss the geological history of the changing Great Lakes' shorelines, and by Sandra Poikane, European Union Joint Research Centre, who will talk about efforts to conduct a comprehensive assessment of lakes and reservoirs in EU member states. Other speakers include three professors from IUPUI in Indianapolis: Lenore Tedesco, an associate professor of geology; Lin Li, an assistant professor of geology; and Lani Pascual, a research scientist.
The technical program will focus on many current issues in lake and watershed management, including harmful algal blooms (HABs), aquatic nuisance species, shoreland management, watershed planning and management, recreation management, new lake assessment techniques, use of remote sensing technology and public education.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is conducting a half-day session on its plans to conduct a national lakes survey.
Pre-conference, hands-on workshops are planned for algal methods and identification, internal phosphorus loading, new assessment and enhancement methods, nutrient management methods, and remote sensing methods.
Forty exhibitors are signed up to display the latest technologies and services available in lake assessment and management.
In addition to presenters from across the U.S. and Canada, attendees will also hear talks from presenters traveling from Australia, China, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, New Zealand and South Korea.
A preliminary program can be viewed at Registration information is also available on the NALMS Web site.