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Media Contacts

Chuck Carney
School of Education

Last modified: Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Media advisory: IU education policy expert available

The Department of Education announces Public Law 221 category placements Wednesday morning

June 5, 2007

Terry Spradlin, associate director for education policy at the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy, will be attending the Indiana State Board of Education meeting Wednesday morning and will be available to comment on the latest category placements for Indiana schools. State Schools Superintendent Suellen Reed will unveil the category placements at around 10:30 a.m. The board meeting starts at 9 a.m.

Under Public Law 221, passed by the state legislature in 1999, school corporations are placed into five categories based on "performance" and "improvement" data from the ISTEP assessments given annually to students. Under the accountability system, schools will be placed in the categories of "exemplary progress," "commendable progress," "academic progress," "academic watch (priority)" or "academic probation (high priority)."

Spradlin is a former legislative and policy analyst with the Indiana Department of Education. He oversees CEEP's policy-related projects and regularly interacts with state and educational leaders about policy matters.

The meeting is in the James Whitcomb Riley Room of the Indiana Department of Education, located at 151 W. Ohio Street in Indianapolis.