News Release
Last modified: Monday, April 12, 2010
IU Advanced Algorithms Reading Group to host weekend's 60th Midwest Theory Day
April 12, 2010
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Theoretical computer science is in focus as Indiana University's Advanced Algorithms Reading Group plays host this Saturday (April 17) to the 60th Midwest Theory Day.
The all-day, free conference is a bi-annual event designed to afford graduate students in computer science and related fields the opportunity to present on and discuss original research in compact, 30-minute sessions.
Some of the topics for the upcoming conference will include "Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Social Choice and Manipulation," "Perfect Bayesian Equilibria in Bargaining Games with Higher Order Uncertainty" and "Generating Functions and the Solution of Full History Recurrence Equations." In addition to IU, other universities expected to be represented at the conference include Northwestern, University of Chicago, University of Illinois-Chicago, and the University of Kentucky.
Midwest Theory Day will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and all presentations will take place in Room I2 130, at Informatics East, 919 E. 10th St., Bloomington.
For more information about the event visit the Midwest Theory Day Web site at or the local event Web site at The IU Advanced Algorithms Reading Group Web site can be visited at
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