News Release
Last modified: Tuesday, February 21, 2012
IU Bloomington announces changes to its academic calendar
Feb. 21, 2012
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- This fall, Indiana University Bloomington will implement changes to its academic calendar that are designed to enhance academic choices and opportunities for students, with classes beginning a week earlier than in previous years.
The first day of classes at IU Bloomington will be Monday, Aug. 20. The campus's academic calendar also includes a new fall break Oct. 12 to 14 and an expanded weeklong Thanksgiving recess Nov. 18 to 25. No classes will be offered on Labor Day. The changes were approved by the Bloomington Faculty Council in 2010.
Students and parents will find the academic calendars at the website for the Office of the Registrar, where they also will find a detailed calendar for this fall.
"The new fall calendar will address several problems simultaneously," said Thomas F. Gieryn, vice provost for faculty and academic affairs. "The longer recess at Thanksgiving will make it easier for students to get home for the holidays, and the fall break provides a breather during the long run from August through late November. Most important, the new calendar does not reduce the amount of instructional contact time during the fall semester but actually increases it slightly."
Changes also were made to the class schedule for this summer's courses. Among the options for student are classes offered over three consecutive four-week sessions, two six-week sessions, two overlapping eight-week sessions and one 12-week session.
Once the changes are fully implemented, they will make it easier for students to work year-round toward earning their degree over a shorter period of time and help make the cost of an IU education more affordable.
This summer, Indiana resident undergraduates enrolled at seven of IU's campuses statewide will receive a 25 percent discount in tuition for courses taken in the summer. Nonresident undergraduate students will receive an equivalent dollar reduction in their tuition.
IU News Room
530 E. Kirkwood Ave., Suite 201
Bloomington, IN 47408-4003