News Release
Last modified: Wednesday, April 18, 2007
IUPUI Fountain Fest captions
Fountain Fest is an annual celebration of the Pyramid Fountain on the IUPUI campus. Sponsored by the Student Activities Programming Board, it's an afternoon packed with games, music, food and the fountain, of course.
IUPUI student Jacob Deon (left) is rolled in a giant ball by fellow student Tom Counsell during Fountain Fest at IUPUI.
IUPUI student Maurice Bowens (left) is knocked to the mat by fellow pugilist Dominic Dorsey during Fountain Fest.
Students line up outside the IUPUI University Library for free pizza.
Jason Liles, bassist for the Pie Boys Flat band, entertains Fountain Fest attendees.
An animated Airdancer attracts the attention of passing students at IUPUI to alert them to various Fountain Fest activities.
Song Kang (left), president of the student activities programming board at IUPUI, and Alex Nicholson (right) poke fun at Andy Walsh and his hot dog garb.
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