News Release
Last modified: Thursday, May 1, 2008
IU's Bradford Woods receives National Award for Excellence
May 1, 2008
MARTINSVILLE, Ind. -- The new wastewater treatment plant at Bradford Woods, an outdoor educational, recreational and professional development center for Indiana University Bloomington's School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, is one of 16 projects to receive the National Engineering Excellence Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC).
Chosen from 158 projects and structures, the Bradford Woods Constructed Wetland Treatment System Replacement Project was selected for its design, functionality and commitment to environmental sustainability. In February, the project received the Honor Award from the ACEC Indiana chapter.
The $1.2 million dollar project was made possible through the partnership contributions of IU, Bradford Woods, Riley Children's Foundation and the estate of Charles and Ruth Buskirk.
"We are honored that generous contributions by the Riley Foundation and others, as well as the creative work of system designers produced an innovative and environmentally sound treatment plant," said Robert M. Goodman, dean of the School of HPER. "Such excellence and concern for the natural environment is a trademark of the work being done at Bradford Woods."
The award was given in recognition of IU's and and Bradford Woods' firm commitment to and support of sustainable business practice in maintaining natural resources without destroying the ecological balance of the area.
"The use of a constructed wetlands is an increasingly popular chemical-free approach to water treatment that mimics the natural cleansing abilities of a wetland," said Jeff Kaden, IU director of engineering. "The application of the technologies incorporated in the wetlands is consistent with the mission of both IU and Bradford Woods."
John E. Koenig, director of Bradford Woods, said the constructed wetlands will provide students and clients of Bradford Woods with an opportunity to study the importance and value of environmental stewardship, the characteristics of a prairie ecosystem, the benefits of a wetland and healthy watershed, and other valuable and important lessons.
The award was presented on Tuesday (April 29) in Washington, D.C., during a ceremony attended by Indiana's U.S. senators and representatives, as well as members of the president's cabinet. Awards were given to Koenig and Kaden. Mark Harrison, who was instrumental in the planning and implementation of the project designed by Natural Concepts Engineering, a subsidiary of Bernardin, Lochmueller & Associates Inc., and Cindy Fort, project engineer with the firm of American Structure Point, also were recognized for their significant contributions to the project.
C. Perry Griffith, Jr., chair of the Riley Children's Foundation Board of Governors, said Riley Children's Foundation is "extremely pleased" to have been a partner with Bradford Woods and IU in the development and implementation of this ecologically advanced project.
"The project will not only prove to be of great benefit to the children and staff of Riley Hospital who participate in the summer camping program at Bradford Woods, but will also serve untold thousands of guests and participants who visit the center in years to come," he said.
The project also received the considerable commitment and dedication from David Gallahue, dean emeritus of the School of HPER; Lynn Jamieson, chair of the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies; John Ryan, IU president emeritus who, during his tenure as president, initiated the discussions with university and state officials concerning the need for a replacement facility at Bradford Woods; Fred Rainey, IU project manager; and principal contractor Buck Reed of Reed and Sons. As a result of their foresight, determination and oversight, Bradford Woods is now served by a fully functional constructed wetlands that has eliminated all surface water discharge of sanitary effluent as well as a new collection system which has virtually eliminated all infiltration and inflow into the system.
Koenig can be reached at 765-342-2915 and
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