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Thursday, March 27, 2025

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Barbara Coffman
IU Foundation

Last modified: Monday, February 1, 2010

IU endowment ranks 11th in nation in 2009

Editors: Please note that endowment values in the list below are in thousands of dollars.

Feb. 1, 2010

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University ranks 11th in the nation among public universities in the market value of its endowment, according to the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)-Commonfund Study of Endowments (NCSE). IU ranked 12th in 2007-08.

As of June 30, 2009, IU's endowment totaled $1.23 billion, which placed IU fifth among the Big Ten public universities, up from seventh last year. Eight hundred and forty-two U.S. colleges and universities participated in this year's survey.

"Undoubtedly, the difficult economic environment affected the endowments of all institutions of higher education in the past year, just as it has at Indiana University," said IU President Michael A. McRobbie. "Given these circumstances, we are pleased that IU still remains among the Top 15 public universities in the nation and has even improved its standing against other excellent institutions. This ranking reflects strength in a difficult environment."

"We credit the Investment Committee of our Board of Directors and our investment staff with retaining as much value in the endowment as we have," said Gene Tempel, president of the Indiana University Foundation, which manages IU's endowment. "It did not decline as much as the S&P or the Foundation's own target weighted index. And we did not face the liquidity challenges that some other institutions have."

Although the value of the endowment dropped in the 2009 fiscal year because of declines in the market and distributions from earnings, the change was about average for endowments of $1 billion or more, said Tempel.

Tempel added that he was encouraged by signs of recovery in the markets. "For calendar year 2009, IU's endowment has increased in value by more than 20 percent."

Here are the top 15 public universities and the value of their endowments in thousands of dollars, as listed by NCSE:

  • University of Texas System, $12,163,049
  • University of Michigan, $6,000,827
  • Texas A&M University System and Foundations, $5,083,754
  • University of California, $4,937,483
  • University of Virginia, $2,556,732
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Foundations, $1,905,081
  • Ohio State University and Foundation, $1,651,561
  • University of Washington, $1,649,159
  • Purdue University, $1,457,543
  • University of Wisconsin and Foundation, $1,373,034
  • Pennsylvania State University, $1,226,011
  • University of Minnesota Foundation, $1,077,425
  • Michigan State University, $1,046,975
  • University of Florida Foundation Inc., $1,010,590

For more information on the NACUBO-Commonfund Study of Endowments, visit Web sites for NACUBO at or Commonfund Institute at