Man of the people
Time (Asia edition)
May 21
By Austin Ramzy
Seen from a distance, today's Nepal is an otherworldly place. Its hills are overrun with young and frightening Maoist guerrillas. Average people doing average things seem about as common as yetis — except in the work of Nepali author and Indiana University Professor Samrat Upadhyay. The Royal Ghosts, his new collection of short stories, is full of characters who care for sick parents, fall in love with the wrong people, cheat on their spouses or get drunk in the afternoon when they should really be more responsible. In short: normal folk living normal lives. Until a few weeks ago, its cities were brimming with baton-swinging riot police in blue fatigues and protesting students with torches in their hands.
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To read more about IU Professor Samrat Upadhyay go to: