Lecture Notes
April 9, 2007
Morality in Politics or the Politics of Morality? 'Neo-Purification' in Romania
April 9, 11:30 a.m., Ballantine Hall 246, Bloomington -- Mihaela Miroiu, professor of political sciences at the National School for Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSA), Bucharest, Romania, will address the problem of retributive justice under post-communism. What happens when the principle of proportional responsibility becomes meaningless and 'convenient truth' gives birth to 'convenient justice'? What is the proper relationship between ethical culpability, legal responsibility and politics in a free society? For more information, contact isaac@indiana.edu.
"My Life with the F Word"
April 9, 4 p.m., the IMU Whittenberger Auditorium, Bloomington -- Emeritus Regents' Professor at the University of Minnesota Department of Design, Housing and Apparel Joanne B. Eicher, Ph.D. is one of the world's foremost authorities on dress and culture. Sponsored by the Indiana University Department of Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design (AMID) with financial support from the Bill Blass/Indiana University Lecture Series, Eicher's presentation will recount her experiences as a global fashion researcher and scholar. For more information, contact mitchelc@indiana.edu.
"Taking Homes for a Shopping Mall: The post-Kelo Fight of Eminent Domain Abuse"
April 10, 6:15 p.m., IU School of Law Wynne Courtroom, 530 W. New York St, Indianapolis -- The Federalist Society of Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis presents a lecture by Scott Bullock, senior attorney with the Institute for Justice. For more information, contact szirkle@iupui.edu.
"Applying New Tricks to Answer Old Questions"
April 10, 7 p.m., Kresge Auditorium, Kokomo -- Fundamental chemical reactions being studied at a Southern Illinois University (SIU) research center might hold clues to highly effective treatments for prostate and breast cancer. Cal Meyers, Ph.D., founder and director of Meyers Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry at SIU Carbondale, will discuss the institute's cancer research in a public lecture. For more information, visit https://www.indiana.edu/~koocm/mar07/Cancer.shtml.
"Current Perspective on Caring for the Cognitively Impaired: 100 Years after Patient Auguste D."
April 11, 1-4 p.m., Emerson Hall, 545 Barnhill Dr., Indianapolis -- The Indiana Alzheimer Disease Center at the Indiana University School of Medicine is commemorating the 100th anniversary of Dr. Alois Alzheimer's study that defined Alzheimer's disease. The last lecture of the series, "Loss and Grief: Care Partner and Affected Person," will be presented by Clarissa Rentz, M.S.N., executive director of the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. For more information and to reserve a seat, contact freppers@iupui.edu.
"The Social Construction of Strategy: How European Elites Agreed on a Market, a Currency, and a Constitution"
April 11, 2:30-4 p.m., Woodburn Hall 218, Bloomington -- As part of the European Union Center of Excellence Speaker Series, Nicolas Jabko, professor at Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, will present "The Social Construction of Strategy: How European Elites Agreed on a Market, a Currency, and a Constitution." For more information, visit https://www.indiana.edu/~eucenter/.
"Arcadia and Alienation in Debussy's 'Placet futile'"
April 11, 3:30 p.m., Music Library Seminar Room, M267, Bloomington -- Trina Thompson will present "Arcadia and Alienation in Debussy's 'Placet futile'" as part of the Music Theory Colloquium Series. For more information, visit https://music.indiana.edu/events.
Symmetries of the early universe and the origin of matter
April 11, 4 p.m., Swain West 119, Bloomington -- As part of the Joseph and Sophia Konopinski Colloquia Series, Michael Ramsey-Musolf of the California Institute of Technology will present "Symmetries of the early universe and the origin of matter." For more information, visit https://www.physics.indiana.edu/~colloquium/index.shtml.
Governing and Sustainability
April 11, 4:30 p.m., University Library Auditorium, 755 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis -- William Blomquist, professor in the IU School of Liberal Arts, will speak on the concerns about the water supply. Considerable attention from researchers and planners has focused on long-term problems and solutions concerning water supply in the western United States -- projects and plans with titles such as Water 2020 and Water 2025 abound. Several such plans and studies are desalination and water recycling, which are important options but for most western communities, large-scale operations are unlikely to come on line soon. With several western communities facing supply issues with more immediate timeframes, it is also useful to focus on options for improving water resource management that can be undertaken now. For more information, contact aaspeak@iupui.edu.
"Leading a Socially Responsible Business"
April 11, 5:30 p.m., Kresge Auditorium, Kokomo -- Jim Stanley, president of Duke Energy Indiana, will speak on the serious challenges of meeting environmental standards while maximizing stock value for shareholders. For more information, contact npati@iuk.edu.
On the Work of Kalidou Sy
April 11, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Woodburn Hall 120, Bloomington -- In conjunction with the IU Art Museum's special exhibition "Echoes and Traces: Mixed Media Paintings by Kalidou Sy," Senegalese art specialist Joanna Grabski, associate professor of art history at Denison University and IU graduate, will speak about Sy's work and its relationship to contemporary art in Senegal and West Africa. For more information, call 812-855-5445.
Is Globalization Made in India?
April 11, 5:30 p.m., India Studies House, 825 E. 8th St., Bloomington -- Nayan Chanda, director of publications and editor of YaleGlobal Online Magazine at the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, will present a lecture sponsored by the India Studies Program and the School of Journalism. For nearly 30 years, Chanda was with the Hong Kong-based magazine Far Eastern Economic Review as its editor, editor-at-large and correspondent. For more information, visit https://www.indiana.edu/~isp.
School of Journalism Speaker Series: Frank Deford
April 11, 7 p.m., the IMU Alumni Hall, Bloomington -- Frank Deford's work has appeared in virtually every medium. He is a senior writer at Sports Illustrated, where he has written for more than 30 years. He is a commentator on National Public Radio's "Morning Edition" and is a regular correspondent on HBO's "Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel." He is the author of 14 books and served as the national chairman of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for 15 years. His daughter, Alexandra, was diagnosed with the illness in the 1970s. After her death in 1980, Deford chronicled her life in the award-winning book Alex: The Life of a Child. For more information, visit https://journalism.indiana.edu.
Collective Bargaining in Education: Negotiating Change in Today's Schools
April 12, 3:30 p.m., the IMU Georgian Room, Bloomington -- The Center for Evaluation and Education Policy and the Indiana University School of Education present Andrew Rotherham, former special assistant to President Bill Clinton, and current co-founder and co-director of Education Sector, an independent national education policy think tank. Rotherham will be discussing emerging topics in education policy. For more information, contact jzapf@indiana.edu.
Guantanamo Bay: The Struggle for Human Rights
April 12, 5 p.m., IU School of Law Wynne Courtroom, 530 W. New York St., Indianapolis -- James Yee, former U.S. Army Muslim Chaplain of Guantanamo Bay, will present a gripping account of his Guantanamo experience and struggle for justice after being arrested and imprisoned in a Naval brig for 76 days in September 2003 due to false accusations of spying, espionage and aiding the alleged Taliban and Al-Qaeda prisoners. For more information, contact tcalvert@aclu-in.org.
Fit to Breed? Symposium and Exhibit Explore History and Legacy of Indiana Eugenics
April 12, Indiana State Library, 140 N. Senate Ave., Indianapolis -- The history and legacy of the century since Indiana enacted the world's first eugenics law will be explored in a symposium and exhibit opening. The symposium will examine the relevance of the history of sterilization and other eugenic measures to contemporary issues in human genetics, public health, reproductive health, mental health and the law. The exhibit "Fit to Breed? The History and Legacy of Indiana Eugenics, 1907-2007," which continues through late August, uses the unique architecture of the Indiana State Library to take visitors on a thought-provoking historical journey through Indiana eugenics, with a glimpse into Indiana's genetic future. For more information, contact caisen@iupui.edu.
"Youth Language" in Parisian Suburbs
April 12, 5:30 p.m., the IMU Oak Room, Bloomington -- Professor Francoise Gadet, Universite de Patis X Nanterre, will examine relations between a social phenomenon and a linguistic phenomenon. Is it true that something structurally new is emerging in the French language? A difference must be carefully drawn between forms and practices among young people. For more information, contact dof@indiana.edu.
Democracy and the Transnational Private Sector
April 12-13, 10 a.m., School of Law Moot Court Room 123, Bloomington -- This conference focuses on crucial issues once deemed the exclusive domain of states, but now increasingly dependent on management and implementation by the transnational private sector. International participants will investigate how different segments of that sector either take the place of or seek to influence state involvement in policymaking and the creation and enforcement of human rights; consider the processes of international and private lawmaking and the provision of welfare, humanitarian and medical aid; and explore the relationship of these policies to democratic norms and procedures. For more information, visit https://law.indiana.edu/front/special/20070412_global.shtml.
"Mexican American High School Students' Perceptions of School and School-Related Activities"
April 13, 12 p.m., La Casa, 715 E. 7th St., Bloomington -- As part of the La Casa Brown Bag Series, Sylvia Martinez (education and Latino studies) will present "Mexican American High School Students' Perceptions of School and School-Related Activities." For more information, visit https://www.indiana.edu/~lacasa.
"Preserving Public Confidence in the Courts in an Age of Individual Rights and Public Skepticism"
April 13, 4 p.m., School of Law Moot Court Room 123, Bloomington -- Professor Charles Geyh presents a public lecture to inaugurate the John F. Kimberling Chair in Law. Geyh, a nationally recognized scholar on issues involving the judiciary, has been named the first John F. Kimberling Chair in Law. For more information, visit https://www.law.indiana.edu.
"Uncovering the Secrets of Consciousness: The Sufi Approach"
April 13, 7:30 p.m., the IMU President's Room, Bloomington -- Professor William Chittick of Stony Brook University will present the Fifth Annual Victor Danner Memorial Lecture in Islamic Studies. Chittick is the author and translator of 25 books and 100 articles on Islamic thought, Sufism, Shi'ism and Persian literature. Currently, Chittick is working on several research projects in Sufism and Islamic philosophy. For more information, visit https://www.indiana.edu/~nelcmesp/.
EU Enlargement and Democracy Promotion in the Western Balkans
April 16, 4-6 p.m., Woodburn Hall 101, Bloomington -- As part of the European Union Center of Excellence Speaker Series, Milada Vachudova, assistant professor, Department of Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will present "EU Enlargement and Democracy Promotion in the Western Balkans." For more information, visit https://www.indiana.edu/~eucenter/.
"German Historian and Germany's Jews"
April 16, 7:30 p.m., the IMU University Club, Bloomington -- The Borns Jewish Studies Program presents Peter Pulzer, Gladstone Professor Emeritus of Government and Emeritus, Fellow of All Souls College, University of Oxford. For more information, contact iujsp@indiana.edu.
"The Ethics of Composing in a Corporate World"
April 17, 5 p.m., Ford-Crawford Hall, Bloomington -- Guest lecturer Kyle Gann will present "The Ethics of Composing in a Corporate World." For more information, visit https://music.indiana.edu/events.
Monsters and Outsiders in Renaissance Prints
April 18, 12:15-1 p.m., IU Art Museum, first floor, Bloomington -- Guy Tal, visiting assistant professor in the Department of the History of Art, will talk about visual stereotypes of the "other" in three geographical locations: the familiar world (European witches), the distant world (Indian monsters) and the Other World (Hellish devils). For more information, call 812-855-5445.
"Hearing Space and Time in the Music of Thomas Adès"
April 18, 3:30 p.m., Music Library Seminar Room, M267, Bloomington -- Professor John Roeder, University of British Columbia, will present "Hearing Space and Time in the Music of Thomas Adès" as part of the Jacobs School of Music Lecture Series. For more information, visit https://music.indiana.edu/events.
The Ivory Tower is Falling
April 19, 4:30 p.m., University Library Auditorium, 755 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis -- The 21st century is the era of globalization, and in this context universities are struggling to rethink their approaches to international learning and research. Susan Sutton, associate dean for International Programs, will explain how older models see internationalization as the province of a few specialists who look outward toward a distant and separate world. Emerging paradigms, in contrast, look for ways to connect universities to global networks of knowledge, practice and discovery across a wide range of fields. This presentation places IUPUI's international activities in the context of this transformation. For more information, contact aaspeak@iupui.edu.
Richmond Live Videoconference Discusses the Challenges of the Changing Global Environment
April 20, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., Whitewater Hall, room 213, Richmond -- Responding to the fiery debate over global warming, concerned citizens throughout the U.S. have launched a series of town hall meetings nationwide to discuss oil dependency and climate change. This live, international videoconference is the culmination of this discussion, bridging students nation-wide and internationally. This series, called "Securing the Future" will bring together community members to discuss the effects of oil dependency and climate change on national security, human health as well as the economy. The event will feature local experts from Uganda, Honduras and Ecuador. The videoconference will open with brief opening presentations on oil dependency and climate change and the role individuals and communities can play to mitigate the problem. After the presentations, speakers will lead students in an interactive question and answer session. For more information, contact jomblank@indiana.edu.
Tobacco: Public Health Enemy No. 1
April 20, 12-1:30 p.m., the IMU State Room East, Bloomington -- Indiana State Health Commissioner Dr. Judith Monroe will speak as part of the Tobacco Control and Wellness Research Working Group seminar series. For more information, visit https://www.indiana.edu/~tobwell/.
To find more lectures online, visit https://events.iu.edu.