Report shows trends in Indiana’s energy production and use

The "Indiana Energy Report 2007" is intended as a resource for decision makers and other citizens concerned with Indiana's energy needs and the impact of its energy-related activities.
A new report by Indiana University's School of Public and Environmental Affairs and the Indiana Geological Survey at Indiana University describes Indiana's energy consumption and production by sector and fuel type, drawing comparisons between the state and the rest of the United States. The "Indiana Energy Report 2007" is intended as a resource for decision makers and other citizens concerned with Indiana's energy needs and the impact of its energy-related activities.
"The state continues to grow, and our energy needs are going to continue to grow," said John A. Rupp, assistant director for research at the Indiana Geological Survey. "This report is an important source of impartial information describing where we are now in terms of our energy sector."
Among the findings of the report:
- Fossil fuels are the predominant energy sources for Indiana. Coal provides fuel for more than 50 percent of all energy consumed in Indiana and about 95 percent of the energy for the generation of electricity. Petroleum accounts for 30 percent of all energy used in the state and natural gas an additional 18 percent. Less than 2 percent comes from biomass and hydroelectric power.
- Electrical generation in Indiana uses about 70 million tons of coal a year, half of which comes from Indiana's mines.
- Although it still represents only a small percentage of Indiana's energy consumption, production of biofuel liquids (ethanol and biodiesel) in the state has grown tremendously in recent years, increasing from 22.9 million gallons per year in 1996 to 92.2 million gallons in 2005.
- The greatest share of energy consumption in Indiana belongs to the transportation sector, which accounts for 37 percent of total dollars spent on energy. Industrial use accounts for 29 percent, residential use accounts for 22 percent and commercial use accounts for 12 percent.
The report was designed to be viewed from this Web site: